PN: &36-56.14.58-58.36-14-38.16-16.38 le 18 13527486 (g)
FG: BE cd
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5086 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
6 V O I 4 H (24635) - 374526 - S 26354 3 3 S 273546 2 S7ths (24536) 3 - 43526 3 - 32546 3 - x 52643 - - x 56342 - 64352 - 43652 - 3 23456 |
Start at snap
Music: 56 crus, inc 16 56s & 7 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, Queens, 52 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s, 33 LB4
Rung at Great Holland, 8 May 2013, conducted by George H Campling
5089 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
V O I 4 H (325476) S 325467 3 x 53624 - 32654 - S 273546 3 S 26354 3 2 2 x 65432 - - 43652 - - 3 34256 - 3 42356 - 3 23456 |
Start at backstroke with a single
Music: 59 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, Queens, 50 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s, 33 LB4
Rung at Dordrecht, 14 October 2011, conducted by George H Campling
5089 (5057) Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
V O I 4 H (325476) S 325467 3 x 53624 - 32654 - S 273546 3 S 26354 3 2(2 x 65432 - -) 43652 - 3 - 34256 3 - 42356 3 - 23456 |
Start at backstroke with a single. (A variation of the composition above)
Music: 59 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, Queens, 50 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s, 33 LB4
For 5057 replace the bracketted calls with I,H 62453, O,I,H 64352, O 43652 (49 LB4)
Rung as 5089 at Tring, 15 October 2021
5089 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
V O I 4 H (325476) S 325467 2 S8/S6 26354 3 3 S4/S7 (43526) - x 53624 - - 62534 - - x 65432 - - 43652 - - 3 S7/S5 (725364) 3 725364 S6/S8 34256 - 3 42356 - 3 23456 |
Start at backstroke with a single
Music: 59 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, Queens, 50 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s, 33 LB4
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 4 April 2014
This composition has the tenors reversed for 3 leads and includes handstroke 5678 roll-ups but also has 8765s at backstroke instead of at handstroke as in the previous 5089.
5118 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
6 V O I H (24635) - 374526 3 S7ths (24536) 3 - 43526 3 - 32546 3 - x 52643 - 24653 2 62453 - 2 63254 - 3 43652 - 3 23456 |
Start at snap
Music: 52 crus, inc 16 56s & 7 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, Queens, 49 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s, 33 LB4
Rung at Drighlington, 20 June 2013, conducted by George H Campling
5120 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
6 V O I 4 7 8 23456 2 - 25346 2 - S 245376 S 36452 3 3 S S (24536) 2 32546 - 2 S (635472) S 3 735462 S S 42356 - 2 - W (45236) 2 3 25634 - - - 23456 |
Music: 60 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, Queens, 52 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s, 36 LB4
This composition has the tenors reversed for 3 leads and includes handstroke 5678 roll-ups but also has 8765s at backstroke instead of at handstroke.
True to le g methods with falseness BE abcdf XY
Rung at Tunstall, Staffs, 4 May 2016
5121 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
V O I 4 H (325476) S 325467 3 x 53624 - 32654 - 26354 2 S 374526 3 S 36452 - - 63254 2 - - 45236 3 2 34256 - 3 42356 - 3 23456 |
Start at backstroke with a single
Music: 59 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, Queens, 52 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s; 33 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 17 July 2009
5121 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
V O I 4 H (325476) S 325467 2 S8/S6 26354 3 3 S4/S7 (43526) - x 53624 2 25634 - 56234 - 2 - 43652 - - 3 S7/S5 (725364) 3 725364 S6/S8 34256 - 3 42356 - 3 23456 |
Start at backstroke with a single
Music: 56 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, Queens, 52 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s; 33 LB4
This composition has the tenors reversed for 3 leads and includes handstroke 5678 roll-ups but also has 8765s at backstroke instead of at handstroke as in the previous 5121.
5152 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
6 V O I 4 7 23456 2 - 25346 2 2 43526 S 273546 3 S 26354 3 2 - 25634 3 2 32654 - S S (43526) - 32546 - 2 42356 - 3 23456 |
Music: 64 crus, inc 18 56s & 46s, 6 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, 3 2468s inc Queens, 49 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s, 8756s; 34 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 12 February 2005
These courses are true to all methods with falseness BE abcdf XY
5152 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
6 V O I 4 7 23456 - 34256 3 2 2 52436 - - 43526 S 273546 3 S 26354 3 2 3 32654 - S S (43526) - 32546 3 - 24536 2 - 23456 |
Music: 68 crus, inc 18 56s & 46s, 6 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s & 7568s, 3 2468s inc Queens, 46 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s, 8756s; 34 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 8 August 1990 (a transposition of a composition first rung in 1983)
These courses are true to all methods with falseness BE abcdf XY
5152 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
6 V O I 4 7 23456 - 35426 - 2 25346 - 2 45236 S 375246 S (45236) - 53246 - 32546 S 472536 - S 24536 S 374526 - S 26354 3 2 3 32654 - S 273546 - S (32546) - - 54326 2 2 23456 |
Music: 64 crus, inc 18 56s & 46s, 6 65s; 18 8765s, 6 8756s, 7568s & 2468s inc Queens, 46 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s, 8756s; 34 LB4
Rung at All Saints, Birchington, 15 April 1993
These courses are true to all methods with falseness BE abcd X
5152 Glasgow Surprise Major
23-course block
V O I 23456 2 - 25346 3 - 54326 2 - 42635 - 3 52436 2 3 - 23645 3 - 34625 - - 43526 3 2 - 42356 - 23456 |
Music: 72 crus, inc 18 56s, 9 65s, 17 46s; 6 8765s & 8756s, 45 LB4
Off front: 9 8756s, 3 5678s, 6578s & 8765s, 24 LB4
Rung at Dursley, 25 January 1997
These courses are true to all methods with falseness BE abcdef XYZ
5152 Glasgow Surprise Major
23-course block
V O I 23456 - 3 34256 - 2 54326 2 2 63425 2 3 43526 - - - 42635 3 - 23645 3 - 34625 - - 42356 - 3 23456 |
Music: 69 crus, inc 18 56s, 9 65s, 17 46s; 6 8765s & 8756s, 48 LB4
Off front: 9 8756s, 3 5678s, 6578s & 8765s, 24 LB4
Rung at St Leonard, Marston Bigot, 13 August 2018
These courses are true to all methods with falseness BE abcdef XYZ
5152 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
V O I 4 (24635) - 43625 2 - - 52634 - 3 - 23546 3 2 42536 - - 23465 - - - 432756 3 - - 34265 2 2 62435 - - - 63524 - - 32645 3 - 24635 |
Snap start and finish
Music: 72 crus, inc 9 56s, 18 65s, 16 46s; 9 7568s & 7658s; 6 8765s & 8756s, 39 LB4
Off front: 9 8765s, 3 5678s, 6 6578s & 8756s, 50 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 26 January 1983
True to le g methods with falseness BE bcdf YZ
5152 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
V O I 4 (24635) - 43625 - - 2 23546 - - - 532764 - - 352467 2 - 34526 2 - 32456 2 - - 342765 3 - - 432567 - 2 53426 2 3 - 32645 3 - 24635 |
Snap start and finish
Music: 66 crus, inc 18 56s & 9 65s, 9 7568s & 7658s; 6 8765s & 8756s, 6 2468s inc Queens, 5 7468s, 34 LB4
Off front: 9 8756s, 6 5678s & 8765s, 3 6578s, 52 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 6 September 2024
5152 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
V O I 4 23456 - - - 432765 3 - - 34256 2 - 35426 2 - 32546 3 2 43526 - - 52436 - - - 53624 - - 62435 - - 23645 3 - 34625 3 - 42635 - - 23456 |
Music: 69 crus, inc 18 56s, 9 65s & 17 46s; 9 7568s & 7658s; 6 8765s & 8756s, 47 LB4
Off front: 9 8756s, 6 5678s & 8765s, 3 6578s, 28 LB4
True to le g methods with falseness BE bcdf YZ
5184 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
6 V O I 4 H 23456 - 2 26354 3 - 63254 2 3 - 35426 - 54326 - x 56342 - 64352 x 574263 - 52436 - - 43526 S 273546 3 S7 (43526) - 32546 3 - 24536 2 - 23456 |
6 V O I 4 H 23456 - 2 26354 3 - 63254 2 - 2 53246 - 3 32546 S 472536 3 S7 (32546) 2 - 34256 2 - 35426 - 54326 - x 56342 - 64352 x 574263 - 52436 - 23456 |
60 crus inc 18 56s, 16 46s & 6 65s,
18 8765s, 6 7568s & 8756s, Queens, 54 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s, 34 LB4
First version rung at Clitheroe, 21 December 2013, conducted by George H Campling
True to le g methods with falseness groups BE abcde XYZ
5184 Glasgow Surprise Major
A J Cox
6 V O I 4 H 8 23456 - - - 25634 - - 63254 2 - S7 (625374) S 3 725364 S S 34256 2 - 35426 - 54326 - x 56342 - 64352 x 574263 - 52436 - - S 435276 S 26354 3 S S7 (43526) - 32546 3 - 24536 2 - 23456 |
6 V O I 4 H 8 23456 - - - 25634 - - 63254 2 - 2 53246 - 2 S 435276 S 26354 3 S S7 (43526) - 32546 2 - S7 (625374) S 3 725364 S S 34256 2 - 35426 - 54326 - x 56342 - 64352 x 574263 - 52436 - 23456 |
57 crus inc 18 56s, 16 46s & 6 65s,
18 8765s, 6 7568s & 8756s, Queens, 54 LB4
Off front: 12 6578s & 8756s, 34 LB4
True to le g methods with falseness groups BE abcd Y
These versions have the tenors reversed for 3 leads and include handstroke 5678 roll-ups but also have the 8765s at backstroke instead of at handstroke as in the previous 5184s.
Peals: Surprise: Major, Royal, Maximus | Delight: Major, Royal, Maximus | Spliced: Major, Royal, Maximus | Other: Major, Royal | Caters | Cinques