5008 Bristol S and Double Norwich CB Major
A J Cox
M B 5 W H 23456 2 34256 B'5D' 2 - 45623 2B'B'3B'D A 1 - 1 65243 3D'D'6D' 2 - 1 2 53246 2B'B'3B'D'2B'B' 1 (45236) 2BD2B' 1 2 2 36524 D'6B'B'2B'5D' C 1 - 2 23564 2B'D'3B'B'B A 46253 2 S 374526 2B'B'5B*3D 2 S 2 63254 3D'5D'5B*3B'B' 1 (56234) 7D' C 23645 A 54263 2 - 1 2 43265 2B'B'3B'D'2B'B' 1 (45236) 7D' C 23456 |
4ths place calls
3456 Bristol, 1552 DNCB, 38 changes of method, all the work
Music: 144 crus, 24 8765s, 12 8756s, 29 LB4
Off front: 17 5678s, 9 8765s, 4 8756s, 67 LB4
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 18 June 1982
5120, 5040, 5088 Bristol S and Double Norwich CB Major
A J Cox
M B 5 W H 23456 2 35426 7B'B'B - 2 23564 DB'6D'B' 2 36524 BD3B'B'B (A) - 2 23645 DB'6D'B' 2 34625 7B'B'B - 42356 4B'D - 25463 6D'3B 2 S 372645 2B'B'5B*3D (B) 2 S 1 34562 3D'5D'5B*3B' 2 1 32465 3D'B'7B' |
4ths place calls
Repeat, calling (B) in 2nd part as
M 5 W H 36452 2 S 1 1 352746 2B'B'5B*3D'2B' 1 1 273546 B2D'2B' |
For 5040 call (A) as 2DB'B'B in 2nd part
For 5088 call 3rd course as BDD'B'B and 4th course as DB'6D'D2BD' in both parts
5120: 3936 Bristol, 1184 DNCB; 5040: 3840 Bristol, 1200 DNCB, both versions 36 changes of method; 5088: 3808 Bristol, 1280 DNCB, 40 changes of method; all the work (all variants)
Music: 134 (130 in 5088) crus inc 24 56s & 65s, 24 8765s, 8756s, Queens, Whittingtons
Off front: 21 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s
Rung at Bristol Cathedral on 26 October 2007 as 5040 and on 25 May 2013 as 5088
5120 Bristol S and Double Norwich CB Major
A J Cox
M B 5 W H 23456 2 35426 7B'B'B - 2 23564 DB'DB'B' 2 36524 BBDBB'B'B - 2 23645 DB'6D'B' 2 34625 7B'B'B - 42356 DB'D - (25463) 6D' 2 S 372645 BDB'B'5B*3D 2 S 2 56342 3D'5D'5B*BB'B'B 2 4ths 3 357246 BB'B'BD'DD'B'B' In - 1 1 54263 D'B'D'DDD' 2 - 1 1 32465 BB'B'BBB'D'BB' 2 26435 7B'B'B - 2 32654 DB'6D'B' 2 25634 BBDBB'B'B - 2 32546 DB'DB'B' 2 24536 7B'B'B - 43265 DB'D - (36452) 6D' 2 S 273546 BDB'B'5B*3D 2 S 2 65243 3D'5D'5B*BB'B'B 2 1 1 64352 BB'B'BBBD'DDD' 2 - 1 1 23456 BB'B'BBB'D'BB' |
4ths place calls
3936 Bristol, 1184 DNCB, 48 changes of method, all the work
Music: 144 crus, 24 8765s & 8756s, 12 2468s inc Queens, 42 LB4
Off front: 20 5678s & 6578s, 14 8765s & 8756s, 62 LB4
Rung at Debenham, 25 August 1983
5136 Bristol S and Double Norwich CB Major
A J Cox
V I O V 6 H W 23456 SS SB 43256 3B*DBD*B*7B'D SS - 32456 D*7D*5D'3B S - 62534 3B*2B'2B S S SS 35264 D*B*B*DBD*2B - 52364 4B'D SS - 23564 4D*7D*2D'3B S SS 25364 4B*B*DBD*2B - 53264 4B'D SS - 32564 4D*7D*2D'3B S - 42635 3B*2B'2B S - 26345 D*B'D S x 473526 4B*2B'2D 3 x 342756 4D'7D'7B'D' x 23645 B2D'B SS - 36245 3B*DBD*B'D S x 472536 4B*2B'2D 3 x 243756 4D'7D'7B'D' x 32645 B2D'B S - 52436 3B*2B'2B S SB 42356 D*B*7B'D SS - 23456 D*7D*5D'3B |
6ths place calls
3520 Bristol, 1616 DNCB; 46 changes of method, all the work
Music: 121 crus, inc 24 56s, 65s, 64s, 22 46s, 24 8765s, 16 8756s, 5867s, 7685s, 8 7568s, 40 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 9 6578s, 101 87xx (x = 4,5,6), inc 24 8765s, 17 8756s, 56 LB4
Rung at Whilton, 25 April 2000, conducted by George H Campling
May be shortened, with some loss of music, by omitting any pair of consecutive singles at the same position (V or I) and the intervening leads.
5024 Spliced Major
A J Cox
1 4 7 23456 S S S 26345 E*CDD*BDE* S S S 25634 B*EDB*CCD* S 25364 DDBBDDB* S S S 24536 E*BDE*EBD* S 24356 BDCCBDC* S S S 26435 C*CDE*BED* S 26453 DDBD*CCD S S 23546 D*BBEEBE* S S 23654 EDCC*BDB* S S 23465 BBEE*BDC* |
Repeat, S = 1458
1280 Bristol S, 1664 Champion S, 736 Double Coslany CB, 1344 Eryri S, 97 changes of method, all the work
Music: 110 crus inc 24 56s & 65s, 23 8765s & 8756s, 52 LB4
Off front: 24 8765s & 8756s, 22 5678s & 6578s, 52 LB4
Rung at Hungerford, 29 November 1979, conducted by Howard W Egglestone
5152 Spliced Major
A J Cox
M B W H 23456 2 35426 CDDBCEE'B'B - 2 23564 DDDB'DDDB'E' 2 36524 BDDEECB'B'B - 2 23645 DECD'DDDB'E' 2 34625 BDBBDEB'B'B - 42356 DCBB'BED - 25463 BEDE'BBD 2 - 1 1 34562 DB'B'BDD'DDE'CD' 2 1 32465 DB'B'BECCDDC' |
1792 Bristol S, 1152 Champion S, 960 Double Coslany CB, 1248 Eryri S, 96 changes of method, all the work
Music: 138 crus inc 24 56s, 65s, 64, 54s, 20 8765s, 8756s, 23 5867s, 6857s, 21 7685s, 7586s, 32 LB4
Off front: 19 8765s, 8756s, 13 5678s, 6578s, 63 LB4
Rung at St Mark's Exeter, 25 November 2002, conducted by Matthew J Hilling
5184 Spliced Major
A J Cox
M B W H 23456 - 35264 BCDD'CCC 1 - 1 25634 EE'BCC'CDDD' 1 32654 CDBBBBB'B - 25346 BEEE'EEE 1 - 54326 EE'BDD'CDD 1 1 23645 DD'DBBDDD'B |
Repeat twice
1248 Bristol S, 1728 Champion S, 768 Double Coslany CB, 1440 Eryri S, 54 changes of method, all the work
May be shortened by replacing any lead with a shorter one
Music: 96 crus inc 17 56s & 15 65s, 11 8765s, 10 8756s, 61 LB4
Off front: 12 8765s & 8756s, 8 5678s & 6578s, 52 LB4
Rung (as 5072) at Yatton, 29 September 1979
5120 Spliced Cornwall and Rutland Surprise Major
A J Cox
4 I O W H M 2345678 - - 3 2347685 CRC'RRCCC'CC'A'A' - - 3 2347856 CR'CRCRR'CRC'A'A' - - - 4235678 CR'C'RRC' - 2 2345867 CR'CRC'A' -S - 4325867 CRCR'CCCC*C' - - 2 3245678 CR'CRCRR'CRC'A' |
Repeat. A = CRCRC. All calling positions refer to the tenor, 4ths place calls in both methods.
3072 Cornwall (C) and 2048 Rutland (R), 112 changes of method, all the work
Music: 88 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 24 8765s, 8756s, 7685s & 5867s, 8 7568s, 432 combinations of 5678 in 5678, 4 7468s, 67 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 480 combinations of 5678 in 1234, 57 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 10 February 2012
5088 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
A J Cox
M 4 B 5 W H 23456 - S (372645) LCB'BB* S - - S 54236 BCBCB*BB'BL'L* S - (36245) C*CBLL' - 43265 CCBBC'L - S 374526 LCB'BB*BL S - - S 62435 LLCB*BB'BL'L* S - (35426) L*CBLL' - - 42356 CCBBC'L' |
Repeat twice
2208 Bristol (B), 1536 Lessness (L) and 1344 Cornwall (C), 81 changes of method, all the work for 2–6
Music: 72 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 8765s & 8756s, 8 7468s, 66 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s
Rung at St Agatha, Portsmouth, 12 February 2013, conducted by Edward P D Colliss
5088 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
A J Cox
M 4 I B 5 W H 23456 - S (372645) UCB'BB* S - - 52436 BCBCB*BB'BC'U 2 2 - 52364 U'B'CCU'B'U' - - S 273546 U'CB'BB*BU S - 32465 UUCB*BB'BUU - - - - 25346 U'CBB'B'BUC'U - 42356 UCBUC'U |
Repeat twice
2304 Bristol (B), 1632 Uxbridge (U) and 1152 Cornwall (C), 87 changes of method
Music: 75 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 8765s & 8756s, 9 7468s, 75 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 40 LB4
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
A J Cox
M 3 B 4 W H 23456 - 52436 RY'R - S 372645 YCY'R*YC S 42635 (R)YC*Y 2 - 23564 YY'RY'YC' x 36245 CY'CC - (-) 43265 CR'R(') |
Repeat 5 times, adding bob (-) in alternate parts and replacing (R) by YCY in one part, preferably in course 273546 (4th part if (-) in parts 2,4,6)
The two leads between the 2 befores may be called RY or YR.
Music: 84 crus (if YR in 24365 and 34256), inc 24 56s & 65s, 21 8765s & 8756s, 34 LB4
Off front: 15 5678s & 6578s, 9 8765s & 8756s, 41 LB4
1312 Rutland (R), 1568 Cambridge (C) and 2176 Yorkshire (Y), 109 changes of method
Rung at Butleigh, 14 February 2004, with (-) in parts 2,4,6 and YR in parts 5 & 6.
An alternative variant of this composition is:
M 3 B 4 W H 23456 Pts 1,3,5 Pts 2,4,6 - 52436 RY'R RY'R - S 372645 YCY'R*YC YCY'R*YC S 42635 RCY*Y (R)YC*Y 2 - 23564 YY'YR'YC' YY'RY'YC' x 36245 CC'CC CC'CC - (-) 43265 CR'R CR'R' |
Repeat 5 times, omit bob (-) in parts 1, 3 and 5 and replace (R) by YCY in 4th part
Music: 82 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 21 8765s & 8756s, 11 468s inc Kings, 38 LB4
Off front: 15 5678s & 6578s, 9 8765s & 8756s, 45 LB4
1312 Rutland (R), 1760 Cambridge (C) and 1984 Yorkshire (Y), 94 changes of method
all the work for 2-6, 7 & 8 each miss two starts
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 28 June 2013
5088 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
A J Cox
M 3 B 4 W H 23456 S S 2348765 LCB*BB*BLL S S - 4235678 LCB*BB*BLL' S S 4238765 LCB*BB*BLL S S - 3425678 LCB*BB*BLL' - 2 - (65432) L'LC'CCCB'BC' 2 2 34562 CCCL'B'C'B' - 53462 LCBBLC' - S S 4328756 L'CB*BB*BC S S - 2436578 BCB*BB*BLL' S S 2438756 LCB*BB*BC S S - 3246578 BCB*BB*BLL' - 42563 L'CBBC 2 S S 3248756 C'B'CB*BB*BC S S - 4326578 BCB*BB*BLL' - - SS 36245 L'LC'CL*B* - - (56342) LCB'BC' - 64523 CLL'LC - 54326 C'CBBC 2 4/I 2 2 43652 C'B'CL'B'LLC'B'C'B' - 64352 LCBBLC' - S S 3428765 L'CB*BB*BLL S S - 4235678 LCB*BB*BLL' |
2272 Bristol (B), 1408 Lessness (L) and Cornwall (C), 82 changes of method, all the work
Music: 60 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 8765s & 8756s, 92 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 58 LB4
Rung at Codsall, 5 May 2016
5088 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
A J Cox
M 4 B 5 W H 23456 - S (372645) LCB'BB* S - - 42356 BCBCB*BB'BLL' - S (274635) LCB'BB* S - - 34256 BCBCB*BB'BLL' - 2 - (65432) L'LC'CCCB'BC' 2 2 34562 CCCL'B'C'B' - 53462 LCBBLC' - - S 374526 L'CB'BB*BL S - - 24365 LLCB*BB'BLL' - S 472536 LCB'BB*BL S - - 32465 LLCB*BB'BLL' - 42563 L'CBBC 2 - S 273546 C'B'CB'BB*BL S - - 43265 LLCB*BB'BLL' - - SS 36245 L'LC'CC*B* - - (56342) LCB'BC' - 64523 CLL'LC - 54326 C'CBBC 2 - In 2 2 43652 C'B'CL'B'LLC'B'C'B' - 64352 LCBBLC' - - S (473625) L'CB'BB* S - - 23456 BCBCB*BB'BLL' |
2272 Bristol (B), 1376 Lessness (L) and 1440 Cornwall (C), 81 changes of method, all the work
Music: 60 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 8765s & 8756s, 92 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 58 LB4
Rung at Huish Episcopi, 28 April 2015
5088 (5024) Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
A J Cox
M 4 B 5 W H 23456 - S (372645) LCB'BB* S - - 42356 BCBCB*BB'BLL' - S (274635) LCB'BB* S - - 34256 BCBCB*BB'BLL' - S (473625) LCB'BB* S - - - 25346 BCBCB*BB'BC'L' - 35642 C'CCC | - (- 4/I) 65243 L'LL('B'B')LCB | - 2 53246 C'CBLLC'B' | A SS - 3 34562 C*B*LL'BLC'B'B' | - - - 32465 CC'LC'L' | - S 273546 LCB'BB*BL S - - 43265 LLCB*BB'BLL' - S 374526 LCB'BB*BL S - - 24365 LLCB*BB'BLL' - S 472536 LCB'BB*BL S - - - 36245 LLCB*BB'BC'L' A 23456 |
2208 Bristol (B), 1504 Lessness (L) and 1376 Cornwall (C), 85 changes of method, all the work
Omit bracketed calls and leads in 1st part for 5024
Music: 88 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 8765s & 8756s, 71 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 34 LB4
Rung at Heptonstall, 20 September 2008
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
A J Cox
M 4 B 5 W H 23456 - S (372645) UCB'BB* S - - 42356 BCBCB*BB'BUU' SS - S (274635) U*B*CB'BB* S - - 34256 BCBCB*BB'BUU' - S (473625) UCB'BB* S - - - 25346 BCBCB*BB'BC'U' - 35642 C'CCC | - - 4/I 65243 C'UU'B'B'UCB | - 2 53246 C'CBCU'B' | A - 3 34562 CU'BUC'B'B' | - - - 32465 UUC'UC'U' | - S 273546 UCB'BB*BU S - - 43265 UUCB*BB'BUU' SS - S 374526 U*B*CB'BB*BU S - - 24365 UUCB*BB'BUU' - S 472536 UCB'BB*BU S - - - 36245 UUCB*BB'BC'U' A 23456 |
2208 Bristol (B), 1440 Uxbridge (U) and 1376 Cornwall (C), 87 changes of method, all the work
Music: 88 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 8765s & 8756s, 71 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 36 LB4
Rung at Weston super Mare, 28 August 2008
5088 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
A J Cox
M 3 B 4 W H 23456 S S 2348765 UCB*BB*BUU S S - 4235678 UCB*BB*BUU' S S 4238765 UCB*BB*BUU S S - 3425678 UCB*BB*BUU' - - 2 52436 U'UU'CU'B' - 45236 UCBCU' - - (65432) UCB'BC' 2 2 34562 CCCC'B'C'B' - 53462 UCBBUC' - S S 4328756 U'CB*BB*BC S S - 2436578 BCB*BB*BUU' S S 2438756 UCB*BB*BC S S - 3246578 BCB*BB*BUU' S S 3248756 UCB*BB*BC S S - 4326578 BCB*BB*BUU' - - 36245 U'UU'CU - - (56342) UCB'BC' - 64523 CUC'UC - 54326 C'CBBC 2 4/I 2 2 43652 C'B'CU'B'UUC'B'C'B' - 64352 UCBBUC' - S S 3428765 U'CB*BB*BUU S S - 2345678 UCB*BB*BUU' |
2208 Bristol (B), 1536 Uxbridge (U) and 1344 Cornwall (C), 85 changes of method, all the work
Music: 56 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 8765s & 8756s, 87 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 54 LB4
Rung at East Raynham, 6 May 2015
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
A J Cox
M 4 I B 5 W H 23456 - S (372645) UCB'BB* | A S - - 42356 BCBCB*BB'BUU' | A 34256 - S (473625) UCB'BB* S - - - 25346 BCBCB*BB'BC'U' - 35642 C'CCC - 65243 C'CUCU - 2 53246 C'CBCU'B' - 3 34562 CBB'BUC'B'B' - - - 32465 UUC'BU'U' - S 273546 UCB'BB*BU | B S - - 43265 UUCB*BB'BUU' | B 24365 - S 472536 UCB'BB*BU S - - - 36245 UUCB*BB'BC'U' - 26543 C'CCC - - 64523 C'UU'UC - 54326 U'CBUC 2 x - 56342 C'B'CU'B'UCB - 2 62345 C'CBCU'B' - 24653 CU'BC - - - 23456 UUC'BU'U' |
2144 Bristol (B), 1504 Cornwall (C) and 1472 Uxbridge (U), 86 changes of method, all the work
Music: 88 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 8765s & 8756s, 78 LB4 inc 16 3456s
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 36 LB4
Rung at Winford, 21 January 2011
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
H G Cashmore, arranged A J Cox
M B W H 23456 - 42356 LSCSC' 2 - 56423 L'B'C'SSS A - - 42563 LC'L' x 26435 CS'SS - - 43265 LS'L' - 24365 CSCCL' x - 24653 SS'BBBB' B - - - 35642 BB'C'BB' x - 35426 BBBB'SC' - x - 45236 L'BL'SC' - 24536 LCCSC' A,B 25346 A 32465 x - - 35264 CS'BBB'L' - 23564 CSCCL' x - 23645 CS'BBBB' - - - 54632 BB'C'BB' x - 54326 SS'SC' - x - 34256 L'BBB'SC' - 23456 LCCSC' |
1376 Bristol, Cambridge, Superlative, 896 London, 106 changes of method
Music: 48 crus, inc 12 56s & 5 65s, 40 LB4, Queens, tittums
Off front: 10 5678s, 7 6578s, 6 8765s, 8 8756s, 42 LB4
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 17 July 1999
5184 (5056) Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
A J Cox
M W H 23456 - 42356 LMNENML' - - 35426 LMNENM'L' - 45623 L'MMML - - - 32654 L'MNENM'L' - 63254 LMNENML' - 26354 LMNENML' - - 35264 LMNENM'L' - 23564 LMNENML' |
Repeat twice, for 5056 replace MMM with N in 2 parts
5184: 1632 Medway (M), 1536 Lessness (L), 1344 Minsmere (N), 672 Ealing (E), 132 changes of method
5056: 1536 Lessness, 1440 Medway, 1408 Minsmere, 672 Ealing, 132 changes of method
Music: 144 crus both at the back and off the front.
Rung as 5056 at Deddington, 19 April 2001
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
A J Cox
B M W 4 I H 23456 - 52436 US'SCS - x (234756) U'SSY' x 3 x 42635 YYYUC'SUC'SYSUC'SYSUC'SY'C 2 - 23564 YS'UC'SS' x 36245 CC'CS - 43265 YU'U - 64235 UY'SCS - 24536 U'SSYC 2 - 43652 YS'UC'SS' A x 35426 CC'CS - - 42356 YU'U' A* 32465 A 34256 A* 24365 A 23456 |
A* = A omitting final bob H
1760 Superlative (S), 1280 Cambridge (C), 1088 Uxbridge (U), 928 Yorkshire (Y), 118 changes of method
Music: 84 crus inc 24 56s & 65s, 21 8765s, 15 8756s,
6 7468s, 4 7568s, 3 2468s inc Queens & Kings, 53 LB4
Off front: 15 5678s, 8765s, 6578s & 8756s, 56 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Winford, 12 March 2020
May be rung with Lessness instead of Uxbridge provided underlined lead of C is rung as S.
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
R G Crosland, arranged A J Cox
B V M W 3 4 H 23456 x - - - 64235 SC'BB'SL'C' 2 (S S) 43265 CL'B'CC(*LLS*)S SS - - 52364 SS*B*C'SL' - 3 32465 L'S'B'B'L x 26354 CS'CC 2 2 62453 L'B'LC'B' - - (34562) C'LS' x 2 56423 BB'SLC'B'[LS - 2 2 23645 L]'S'B'L'B' |
Repeat twice substituting
S*B*S'B'L*LLC'BC*S (additional calls SM,SM,W,W,SH 725346, H 572346, SW) for L in first part
B for [LSL] in first part
C for S in 2nd part
and omitting the calls and leads in parentheses (*LLS*) in the first two parts
1376 Bristol, 1248 Cambridge, 1216 Superlative, London, 124 changes of method, all the work, no more than 4 consecutive leads of any one method
Music: 72 crus, inc 14 56s & 10 65s, 11 8765s, 3 8756s & 7568s, 18 468s inc Queens and 7 2468s, 36 LB4
Off front: 8 6578s, 7 8756s, 6 8765s, 2 5678s, 32 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 20 January 2012
5088 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
A J Cox
M B V W H 23456 2 2 - 23564 L'B'C'B'L' x - - 24365 CS'BBB'L' 3 - 32465 CSCC'B'B'L' - 43265 CSCSL' x - - 45362 CS'BBB'L' - 34562 CSCCL' - 2 (46253) CSC'C'B' I/B/4 - - 25463 SS'B'B'LCS'L' - 42563 CSCSL' - 3 64523 LS'L'B'B' 2 - 54263 LS'B'L' x - - 53462 CS'LL'L' x - - 52364 CS'BBB'L' - 35264 CSCCL' - - 26354 LS'L' - 32654 SCLSS' - 63254 SSLCS' - - 42356 L'SL' - 34256 LCCSC' - x - 24536 L'BBB'SC' - x - 54326 L'LL'SC' - 35426 LSL' - 43526 LSCSC' - 3 (53624) L'SCL'B'B' 2 - - 52436 SS'B'C'CSC' - 45236 LCCSC' - x - 25346 L'BBB'SC' - 32546 LSCSC' 3 - 53246 L'B'B'CCSC' - x - 23456 L'BBB'SC' |
1440 Cambridge, 1312 Superlative, 1280 London, 1056 Bristol, 120 changes of method, all the work, no more than 4 consecutive leads of any one method
Music: 42 crus, inc 7 56s & 9 65s, 3 8765s, 6 8756s, 31 LB4, Queens
Off front: 10 8765s & 8756s, 8 6578s, 7 5678s, 35 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 11 December 1996
An alternative start, which gives more 5678s, 8765s, 5678s off front and little bell runs, is to have rounds as the 25346 course end (also changing one optional lead from C to S gives more crus and a slightly better method balance).
M B V W H 23456 - 42356 LSCSS' 3 - 34256 L'B'B'CCSC' - x - 24536 L'BBB'SC' 2 2 - 24365 L'B'C'B'L' x - - 25463 CS'BBB'L' 3 - 42563 CSCC'B'B'L' - 54263 CSCSL' x - - 53462 CS'BBB'L' - 45362 CSCCL' - 2 (56234) CSC'C'B' I/B/4 - - 23564 SS'B'B'LCS'L' - 52364 CSCSL' - 3 65324 LS'L'B'B' 2 - 35264 LS'B'L' x - - 34562 CS'LL'L' x - - 32465 CS'BBB'L' - 43265 CSCCL' - - 26435 LS'L' - 42635 SCLSS' - 64235 SSLCS' - - 52436 L'SL' - 45236 LCCSC' - x - 25346 L'BBB'SC' - x - 35426 L'LL'SC' - 43526 LSL' - 54326 LSCSC' - 3 (34625) L'SCL'B'B' 2 - - 32546 SS'B'C'CSC' - 53246 LCCSC' - x - 23456 L'BBB'SC' |
1408 Cambridge, 1344 Superlative, 1280 London, 1056 Bristol, 119 changes of method, all the work, no more than 4 consecutive leads of any one method
Music: 43 crus, inc 12 56s & 5 65s, 6 8765s, 3 8756s, 47 LB4, Queens
Off front: 10 5678s, 8 8765s, 12 8756s, 5 6578s, 40 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Butleigh, 13 February 2016
5216 (5152, 5088) Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
Harold G Cashmore, arranged A J Cox
M B W H 23456 - 43652 L'CL - - 56234 SSS'C'SSS - 35264 LC'L - - (62453) L'X' x - - 63254 SLS'BBB'L' - x - - 26354 L'LL'LL'L' - x (65324) L'BBB' - - - 42356 SLS'Y'L' - 54326 LC'CSC - - - 62345 L'C'CCS' - 36245 SSLSS' - - 42563 SCC'C'B - 52364 CSC'CL - - 43265 CSC'LC' or CSC'CL' x - - 45362 CS'BBB'L' x - 25463 CS'BBB'L - 3 - 34562 CSC'C'B'B'L' - 54263 CSC'YL x - 54632 SS'BBBB' x 43526 BBBB'SS - - 52436 LX'CSS' 3 - 35426 L'B'B'C'CSC - x - 45236 L'BBB'SC' - x - 25346 L'BBB'SC' - - 34256 BC'CSC' - x - 24536 L'BBB'SC' - 32546 LX'L 2 2 24365 L'B'Y'B'L - - 53462 L'YL' x - 23564 CS'BBB'L x - 23645 CS'SS' x - 23456 SS'SC' |
X = C or S, rung as S, Y = C or S rung as C. Can omit either (5152) or both (5088) blocks of 3 and associated leads of Bristol.
5088 as rung: 1408 Superlative 1344 Cambridge, 1184 London, 1152 Bristol, 96 changes of method, all the work
Music (5088): 59 (57 with CL) crus, inc 11 56s & 8 (6) 65s, 5 8765s, 2 8756s, 37 LB4
Off front: 9 5678s, 6 8765s, 7 8756s, 4 6578s, 27 LB4
Rung at Watermoor, Cirencester, 12 January 2013
The half dozen or so changes to the original (Black Book, p12) increase the number of crus from 48 (particularly adding 65s & 46s), introduce c.o.m. at plain leads of Bristol and give a slightly better method balance.
5088 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
A J Cox
M 3 B 4 5 W H 23456 S S - 4238765 LOB*BB*BLL' S S - 3425678 LOB*BB*BLL' - 2 - (65432) L'LC'OCCB'BO' 2 2 34562 COCC'B'C'B' - 53462 LOBBLC' - S S 4328756 L'OB*BB*BO S S - 2436578 BOB*BB*BLL' S S 2438756 LCB*BB*BO S S - 3246578 BOB*BB*BLL' - 42563 L'CBBO 2 S S 3248756 C'B'CB*BB*BC S S - 4326578 BCB*BB*BLL' - - SS 36245 L'LO'CC*B* - - (56342) LOB'LO' - 64523 CLL'OL - 54326 O'CBLC 2 4/I 2 2 43652 C'B'OL'B'LLC'B'O'B' - 64352 CBBBLC' - S S - 2348765 L'OB*BB*BLL' S S - 4235678 LCB*BB*BLL' S S - 3428765 LCB*BB*BLL' S S - 2345678 LOB*BB*BLL' |
2240 Bristol (B), 1376 Lessness (L), 800 Cornwall (C) and 672 Osprey (O), 92 changes of method, all the work
Music: 63 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 8765s & 8756s, 92 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 58 LB4
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 14 October 2016
5088 (5056, 5024) Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
A J Cox (from P G K Davies's 5 Spliced)
5 M W H 23456 - S3,S4 52436 7B'CC*B*Y - 35426 CYCY'R - 45623 R'CCYC A - 2 - 35264 YCC'C'B'R' 2 - 34562 YCC'B'6R' 2 45362 YYYCR'B' B - - 23564 R'4Y' AB 23645 A 36452 S 2 S4,S3 273546 Y*YC'B'CC*B*YY - S4,S3 374526 R'CC*B*YY S 2 64352 Y*YYCR'B' - - 23456 R'4Y' |
Omit S3,S4 and lead of Bristol in either or both of first two A blocks for 5056 or 5024
1440 Yorkshire, 1408 Cambridge, 1152-1088 Bristol, 1088 Rutland, 84–86 changes of method, all the work
Music: 60 crus, inc 13 56s & 7 65s, 17 8765s, 8 8756s, 41 LB4, tittums
Off front: 12 8765s, 6 8756s, 4 5678s & 6578s, 36 LB4
Rung as 5024 at Barrow Gurney, 28 October 2016
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (5m)
A J Cox
B M W 4 3 H 23456 - 52436 RS'R - S 372645 LLS'R*LC S 426357 RYS*Y 2 - 23564 YY'RL'YS' - 36245 CY'CC - 43265 SR'R |
Repeat 5 times adding bob at end of alternate parts and replacing R with YCL in one part
1312 Rutland, 1184 Yorkshire, 960 Superlative, 800 Cambridge & Lincolnshire, 122 changes of method
Music: 82 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 21 8765s & 8756s, 36 LB4, Queens & Kings
Off front: 15 5678s & 6578s, 9 8765s & 8756s, 47 LB4, backrounds
5184 (5088) 5 Spliced Surprise Major
G A A Taylor, arr A J Cox
M B W H 23456 I/B/4 - - 64352 BL'CU'B'LS'BC' - 36452 SXLSC' - 2 62453 SSS'SUC'B' (SS) - 46253 CL(*LLS*)CSC' S5 S 4 - 64235 S*CS*ULLC'S' S - 23465 SL*SCS' - - 46235 BBBBBBB'SCS' - - 52634 L'LC' - 65234 LUCUU' S 45236 BB*CL - x 53246 L'U'U x 34562 LU'U 4/I - 25346 CULU'B'UL' - 32546 UBLU' |
X = C or S (must differ in the two parts for all the work)
5184: 1152 London, 1120 Superlative, 992 Cambridge, 960 Bristol, Buckfastleigh (U), 122 changes of method, all the work
For 5088 omit bracketed calls and leads in one part (1088 London, Superlative, 121 com)
Music: 76 crus inc 17 56s & 11 65s, 5 7468s, 5 7568s, 2 8765s & 1 8756, 38 LB4
Off front: 6 8756s, 5 5678s, 4 8765s, 6578s, 37 LB4
5024 5 Spliced Surprise Major
G A A Taylor and A J Cox
V B M W 4 I H 23456 x - 23564 BLL'SS' - 3 275346 S'SCC'CU'B'L 2 2 35264 S'B'U'B' - 3 - 26354 LS'C'BBB'U'S' 2 46253 UC'B'SL S 472536 S*BB 2 S x (24653) BB'ULLU'C*C' - S 56243 BSC'L* S 52643 LLC* - 45623 CL'B - - 36524 BB'ULU' S SS 375246 S*SCCL*B* S - 53624 S*SLCS' - 25634 ULU'B x - 25346 LU'BBL' - 32546 CU' x x (462753) BLL'S' x x - 32465 B'LLS'S' 2 24365 CU'B' - 3 - 36245 LS'S'BBB'U'S' 2 - 35642 UC'B'SL' - S 46352 USC'L* S 43652 LSCSC* - 54632 CL'B - - 26435 BB'ULU' S 56432 SCC*LUBL S - 42635 L*CSCS' x - 423756 U'BUB' x x 34625 BBL'B'C x 42356 LU'U x 25463 LU'U x x - 34256 BLU'B'UL' - 23456 UBLU' |
1248 Bristol (B), 1152 London, 928 Buckfastleigh (U), 896 Superlative, 800 Cambridge, 118 changes of method, all the work
Music: 79 crus, 13 8765s, 8 7568s, 7 2468s inc Queens, 5 7468s, Whittingtons, 32 LB4
Off front: 7 8756s, 6 8765s, 5 5678s, 2 6578s, 31 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 10 December 2010
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (5 m)
A J Cox & G A A Taylor (65v3a)
V B M W H 23456 - S3/S4 - 45236 BS'SG*GL*C' - - 45362 GGC'GGS' 2 25463 BB'B'BS - - 752346 G'G'SC - 372546 LG'B 2 473526 BB'B'BC 4th - - S 45632 GC'LG'G'L* SS S - (32654) SS*GL*S*S' - 53624 CCGS'SSS - (25634) CL' S S 46532 GSC*CL* - (34562) SCCC' S - S 65243 SGS*S'L* S 62543 LLG* - (46523) LC' SS - (24563) GSS*LLG*C' S - (63542) SGC*S' - 2 42635 GC'BBB'B'B - SS (62534) BB'C*CLL* - S 2 24356 SGG'S*BB'B' SS 4/I/B (24356) BC*B*S'B'B' - 5ths 472536 GGL'BB'BB 2 374526 BB'B'BC 2 35462 S'GL'BB 2 - 32564 BB'B'BS' SS - 53264 L*B*LS' 2 I/5 (43625) CC'BG'C'BL' 2 - 63245 BB'B'BB' S3/S4 S 62345 LCSG*GL*G* S S 2 23456 L*S*BB'B' |
1568 Bristol, 960 Glasgow and Superlative, 800 Cambridge and 736 London, 95 changes of method, all the work
Music: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s, 7586s, 7685s,
5867s & 6857s, 75 crus, 6 2468s inc Queens, 38 LB4
Off front: 3 5678s, 7 6578s, 2 8765s inc backrounds, 6 8756s, 59 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 13 January 2023, conducted by Alan G Reading
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (5 m)
A J Cox & G A A Taylor (65v2)
V B M W H 23456 - - 45236 BS'SSC' - - 45362 SS'GGS' 2 25463 BB'B'BS - - - 372546 G'G'BL'B 2 4ths (23645) BB'B'BBBB' - - S 45632 LG'G'L* SS S - (32654) SS*GL*S*S' - S3/S4 53624 CCGC'SS*CLL*S - (25634) CL' S SS S 46532 GSC*C*B*L* - (34562) SCCC' S - S 65243 CGG*S'L* S SS (35246) L*S*B* S S 62543 GCG*LG* - (46523) CSCC' SS - (24563) GSG*LLG*C' S - (63542) SGC*C' - 2 42635 GC'BBB'B'B - SS (62534) BB'S*GL* - S 2 24356 SLSG'C*BB'B' SS 4/I/B (24356) BC*B*S'B'B' - 5ths 472536 GGL'BB'BB 2 374526 BB'B'BC 2 35462 S'GL'BB 2 - 32564 BB'B'BS' SS - 53264 L*B*LS' 2 I/5 (43625) CC'BG'C'BL' 2 BS 62345 BB'B'BB'B* S S 2 23456 L*C*BB'B' |
1792 Bristol, 896 Superlative, 864 Cambridge, 800 Glasgow & 672 London, 95 changes of method, all the work
Music: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s, 7586s, 7685s,
5867s & 6857s, 76 crus, 5 2468s inc Queens, 4 7568s, 36 LB4
Off front: 5 5678s, 7 6578s, 2 8765s inc backrounds, 5 8756s, 61 LB4
5th line may be called BB'B'BCGC' giving 1696 B, 928 C, 832 G, 98 com, only 3 5678s off front
5120 (5088, 5056, 5024) Spliced Surprise Major (5 m)
A J Cox & G A A Taylor (65v2a)
V B M W H 23456 - - 45236 BS'SSC' - - 45362 SC'GGS' 2 25463 BB'B'BS - - - 372546 G'G'BL'B 2 4ths (23645) BB'B'BBBB' - - S 45632 LG'G'L* SS S - (32654) SS*GL*S*S' - S3 I/B 647523 CCGC'SS*C'GL'SC 4ths/S4 53624 GG'LL*S - (25634) CL' S S 46532 GSC*CL* - (34562) SCCC' S - S 65243 CGG*S'L* S SS (35246) L*S*B* S S 62543 GCG*LG* - (46523) LS' SS - (24563) GSG*LLG*C' S - (63542) SGC*C' - 2 42635 GC'BBB'B'B - SS (62534) BB'S*GL* - S 2 24356 SLSG'C*BB'B' SS 4/I/B (24356) BC*B*S'B'B' - 5ths 472536 GGL'BB'BB 2 374526 BB'B'BC 2 35462 S'GL'BB 2 - 32564 BB'B'BS' SS - 53264 L*B*LS' 2 I/5 (43625) CC'BG'C'BL' 2 BS 62345 BB'B'BB'B* S S 2 23456 L*C*BB'B' |
1760 Bristol, 896 Superlative & Glasgow, 832 Cambridge, & 736 London, 99 changes of method, all the work
Music: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s, 7586s, 7685s,
5867s & 6857s, 76 crus, 5 2468s inc Queens, 4 7568s, 37 LB4
Off front: 5 5678s, 7 6578s, 2 8765s inc backrounds, 5 8756s, 66 LB4
5th line may be called BB'B'BCGC' giving 1664 B, 896 C, 928 G, 102 com, only 3 5678s off front
Any of following leads of Bristol and calls may be omitted without affecting the atw feature, SSW in 24356, SSW in 35246 and SSM in 32564, omitting all 3 gives 5024 reducing B by 96, LB4 off front by 6 & com by 4, other features the same
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (5m)
Glenn A A Taylor, arranged A J Cox & G A A Taylor
M B 4/I W H 23456 - x - - 45236 RLL'B'B'LRL'L' 2 2 53462 L'CYCLY'BBRLR'B'R - - 46532 LY'L' - 34562 LY'R - x (34562) YY'B'B' - 54263 C'CCCC - - - 36245 CCY'C'R' - 23645 LYR' - 42635 BBBBBBB'R - - 56234 YYC'CR' - 2 52364 CR'R'B' - 35264 LYR' - - (56234) R'RR' - - - 43265 YLY'Y'R' 2 32465 CYLCY'B' |
1088 Rutland, 1024 Bristol, Yorkshire, 960 London, Cambridge, 103 changes of method, all the work
Music: 94 crus, inc 19 56s & 65s, 3 8765s & 8756s, 54 LB4
Off front: 8 8765s & 8756s, 4 5678s & 6578s, 41 LB4
Rung at Weston super Mare, 12 January 2012
Composition Note. This was originally a peal in four methods by Glenn to which I added the 5th method, further discussion with Glenn refined the method balance.
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (5m)
Glenn A A Taylor and A J Cox
M B W H 23456 - - 45236 RLLLRL'SCC' - 25634 L'CCSC - 2 53462 R'BBRLR'B'R - - 46532 LS'R' - 34562 LS'CCS - 54263 R'SR - - - 36245 R'C'R' - 23645 LCR' - (42635) BBBBBBB' - - 56234 SRCS'SSCS' - - 23564 CR'R' - 52364 SSCSL' - 35264 LSR' - x (56234) R'RR' - - - 43265 CRC'S'R' 2 32465 CCLCC'B' |
1344 Rutland, 1216 Cambridge, 1024 Superlative, 768 London, 704 Bristol, 111 changes of method, all the work
Music: 96 crus inc 19 56s & 65s, 2 8765s & 8756s, 33 LB4
Off front: 5 8765s & 8756s, 3 5678s & 6578s, 41 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 13 March 2010
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (5m)
Glenn A A Taylor, arranged A J Cox
V M W B I H 23456 1st part 2nd part x - 23564 BRR'BBR' - 52364 CCCYR' - 65324 RS'R RS'SSC - (26354) SR'CR 3 - - 35264 CY'B'B'Y'R' - - 42563 R'SSYS' - 54263 CCSCR' SCSCR' - S3 S5 (65432) R'R*BB* 2 (32546) C'RY' C'YYYY' 2 24536 BBB'B'B - x x - 432765 R'BBB'C'RRRR' - - x (532746) Y'SS'SCY' (SS) 3 532746 YC*B*YYS'B'B' YCYYS'B'B' x 4th (25634) YC'B' x 2 32546 R'BBBB'B' |
Repeat, (SS) in first part only, methods in 2nd part as in 1st part except where shown
1504 Bristol, 1216 Rutland, 832 Cambridge, 800 Yorkshire, 736 Superlative, 92 changes of method, all the work
Music: 98 crus, 14 7468s & 7568s, 9 8765s, Queens, Tittums
Rung at Backwell, 10 December 2005
5088 (5024) Spliced Surprise Major (6m)
Harold G Cashmore and A J Cox
M B W H 23456 - 42356 LSCSP' 2 - 56423 L'D'P'SSS - - 42563 LC'L' x - - 43265 PS'BBD'L' - 24365 PSCCL' x - 24653 CS'BB(BB)' - - - 35642 BD'P'BB' x - 35426 BDDD'SC' - x - 45236 L'D(DD)'SS' - 24536 LCCSP' |
Repeat twice. For 5024 substitute L for bracketed leads in 1st part
1152 Superlative, 896 Bristol, 832 London, 800 Double Dublin, 768 Cambridge, 576 Pudsey, 113 changes of method (5024)
Music: 45 crus inc 10 5678s & 7 6578s, 1 8765s & 8756s, 31 LB4, Queens, tittums
Off front: 8 5678s, 7 8756s, 6 8756s, 2 6578s, 40 LB4
Rung as 5024 at Wotton under Edge, 12 May 1996
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (6m)
A J Cox
5 I B M W 4 H 23456 SS (23456) BC*B* - 2 - 237465 SGB'BUB'B'BBL'UBB - - 627354 U'L'C - 2 (45362) LL'B'CL' - 2 274536 L'UB'B'BS 3 - (34625) S'LCL'B'CL' 2 42635 BUB'B'B - - 56234 UC'GGUS' - - - 54632 LCSGB'CGS'L' - 65432 SGCG' - 46532 CCLSC' 2 (63542) SSSC'GL' - S 2 32456 GCS'S*BB'B' |
1472 Bristol (B), 896 Cambridge, 832 London & Superlative, 576 Glasgow, 448 Buckfastleigh (U), 118 changes of method
Music: 68 crus inc 24 5678s & 6578s, 24 8765s & 8756s, 16 7568s, 38 LB4
Off front: 6 8765s, 4 5678s, 10 8756s, 6 6578s, 69 LB4, backrounds
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (6m)
Glenn A A Taylor and A J Cox
M B W H 23456 - - 45236 RLLLRL'L' 2 2 53462 L'YCLYY'BBRLR'B'R - - 46532 LS'L' - 34562 LY'R - 54263 YSC'CR - - - 36245 CCY'C'BB' - 23645 LYR' - (42635) BBBBBBB' - - 56234 SRYS'SSCS' - - 23564 CR'SSS' - 52364 SLL' - 35264 LSYSC' - x (56234) R'RR' - - - 43265 CLY'Y'R' 2 32465 CCLCY'B' - - 46325 RLLLRL'SCS' 2 2 62453 CSY'YCLYY'BBRLR'B'R - - 45623 LS'L' - 24653 LY'R - 64352 R'CR - - - 25346 CCY'C'R' - 32546 LYR' - (43526) BBBBBBB' - - 65324 SRYY'SSCS' - (26354) CR' - x (65324) SYRS'RR' - - - 42356 CLY'Y'R' 2 23456 CCLCY'B' |
960 Rutland, 928 London, 832 Cambridge, 800 Yorkshire, 768 Bristol, 736 Superlative, 110 changes of method, all the work
Music: 90 crus inc 20 56s & 19 65s, 3 8765s, 2 8756s, 42 LB4, Tittums
Off front: 6 8765s & 8756s, 5 6578s, 3 5678s, 48 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 30 January 2010
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (6m)
A J Cox
M W B 4 3 H 23456 - 43652 K'G - 64352 CGCC' x - 64523 SS'CS' - 54326 CSC'CCCS 2 - 56423 K'B'CK' - 45623 GL' - - 36524 L'CCGGC' x - 36245 SG'BSGC' - 23645 KC' - S (372645) BBKBBB'CS* S (42635) GSCS* - 62534 LG'KBBK - x - 52364 L'BK'KL' - 3 - 43265 SCS'LKLK'B'GK'K' 2 32465 CSGC'B' - 42563 K'G - 54263 GGGGGG' x (46532) SS' - - 25634 LCG'CSGGC' x - 25346 SG'GGC' - 32546 KC' - S 273546 BBBBBBB'CS*CS - 374526 K'KKBB 2 S - 357246 K'SCGC'C*K' 2 573246 KBBLLK'B' S S 43526 LS*G*S 2 x - 63254 K'B'BK'KL' - 3 - 42356 L'LLLLK'B'GK'K' 2 23456 LKBKL'B' |
960 Cambridge (C), Cornwall (K), 928 Bristol, 864 Glasgow, 704 Superlative, 608 London, 111 changes of method, all the work
Music: 71 crus inc 17 56s, 20 65s & 13 46s, 12 8765s, 2468s inc Queens, 9 8756s, 6 7468s, 28 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s, 7 6578s, 6 8765s, 2 8756s, 36 LB4
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (6m)
Philip G K Davies and A J Cox
V M W H 23456 - - 45236 BBBBBBB'R' - 24536 YYYCYYS' - 52436 RRS' - 35426 RRRRRR'NNN - 45623 CNN'CCCC - - 26354 NCC'Y'R S 3 273546 S*SC'B'B'RN S - - 35264 S*NSC'CYN' - 23564 SSSSR' - - 56234 BBBBBBB'R' - 25634 YYYCYYS' - 62534 RRS' - 36524 RY'NNN - 56423 CNN'CCCC - - 3 24365 NCC'Y'R'B'B' - - 36245 SNSN'CYN' - 23645 SSSYSSY' - - 64235 BBBBBBB'CYS' - 26435 YYYCSYY' - 42635 RRS' - 34625 RY'NNS - 64523 CNN'CCCC - - 25346 NCC'Y'R - - 34256 SNSN'CYN' - 23456 SSSSR' |
960 Cambridge, 928 Superlative, 832 Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, 800 Bristol, 704 Rutland, 89 changes of method, all the work
Music: 86 crus inc 17 56s & 20 65s, 12 8765s, 1 8756s, 27 LB4, Tittums
Off front: 9 8765s, 5 8756s, 3 6578s, 2 5678s, 45 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 31 May 1995
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (6m)
G A A Taylor and A J Cox
5 M W B 4 I H 23456 x 35264 BLL'SS - - 26354 LS'GCGS' 2 (46253) UC'UGG' S 472536 SSL*BB - 3 (273546) BB'ULL'B'B' - S x (24653) U'C*G' 2 45623 USSC'GL'B - - 36524 BB'CGGSG' - 53624 SSLCS' x - 532746 U'GC' x x S 26534 BBL'GL'C* S 25634 CCGC* - 65432 L'G - 45236 UG'CL - x 53246 L'U'U x 34562 LU'U x x - 25346 BLU'B'UL' - 32546 UBLU' x - 32465 BLL'CS' 2 24365 SU'B' - - 36245 LS'GSGS' 2 - 35642 UC'B'CL' - 43652 LC'CCS SS - 54632 G*B*L'B - SS - 26435 BB'S*B*GGSG' - 42635 CCGC' x - 423756 SUL'UBB' x x 34625 BBL'B'C - 64523 L'G - 54326 L'SL - x 42356 L'U'U x 25463 LU'U x x - 34256 BLU'B'UL' - 23456 UBBU' |
1024 Bristol (B) & London, 864 Buckfastleigh (U), 704 Cambridge, Glasgow & Superlative, 120 changes of method, all the work
Music: 62 crus inc 15 5678s & 9 6578s, 10 8765s, 8 7568s & 7468s, Whittingtons, 32 LB4
Off front: 8 8765s, 7 5678s, 4 8756s, 36 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 13 May 2011
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (6m)
A J Cox (from an idea by Glenn Taylor)
B M W B H 23456 SS - 35264 BS*B*GC'U 2 2 (62534) BB'B'BUC'LG' S3 S 572364 S*CLSG*L S S4 62534 USG*S*S - 2 34625 GGG'BBB'B'B 5/4 - (63542) C'LUBL'L' - S 2 32456 CLC'C*BB'B' 4 647352 BSS'UGU - 5/5 I 327465 UG'BUB'B'BUGL'UB I - 2 - 43562 U'B'BUB'B'BC' - S 65432 LC'L* 3 S 64532 L'B'UGG'USC* - 4/I (53264) SSCC'C'B' S 4/I (26435) CC*C'GUC' S 3 36425 CS*L'B'B' S 56423 L*G S S - (63254) L*S*GC' S 53264 CLSS*L - 2 (26345) SC'GS'B' 4/I/B 26345 SC'LLS'CSGG'SS - - - 54362 L'C'CCS' S3/S4 - 35462 CGG*GUS*S' 5 2 4 (43625) G'UB'B'BU' 2 32645 LUB'B'B 2 S 2 23456 UC'B'S*BB'B' |
1312 Bristol (B), 896 Cambridge, 832 Superlative, 704 Glasgow, 640 Buckfastleigh (U) & London, 109 changes of method, all the work
Music: 81 crus inc 24 5678s & 6578s, 24 8765s & 8756s, 6 7568s & 2468s inc Queens, 5 7468s, 39 LB4
Off front: 6 8765s inc backrounds, 4 6578s, 3 5678s, 1 8756s, 62 LB4
5120 (5088, 5056, 5024) Spliced Surprise Major (6 m)
A J Cox & G A A Taylor (65v2b)
V B M W H 23456 - - 45236 BS'SSC' - - 45362 SC'GGS' 2 25463 DD'B'BS - - - 372546 G'G'BL'B 2 4ths (23645) DB'D'BDBB' - - S 45632 LG'G'L* SS S - (32654) SS*GL*S*S' - S3 I/B 647523 CCGC'SS*C'GL'SC 4ths/S4 53624 GG'LL*S - (25634) CL' S S 46532 GSC*CL* - (34562) SCCC' S - S 65243 CGG*S'L* S SS (35246) L*S*D* S S 62543 GCG*LG* - (46523) LS' SS - (24563) GSG*LLG*C' S - (63542) SGC*C' - 2 42635 GC'DDB'D'B - SS (62534) DD'S*GL* - S 2 24356 SLSG'C*BB'D' SS 4/I/B (24356) BC*D*S'B'B' - 5ths 472536 GGL'DB'DB 2 374526 DB'B'DC 2 35462 S'GL'DB 2 - 32564 DB'B'DS' SS - 53264 L*B*LS' 2 I/5 (43625) CC'DG'C'DL' 2 BS 62345 DD'B'BB'B* S S 2 23456 L*C*BD'B' |
960 Bristol, 896 Superlative & Glasgow, 832 Cambridge, 800 Ditchling & 736 London, 125 changes of method, all the work
Music: 24 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s, 7586s, 7685s,
5867s & 6857s, 76 crus, 5 2468s inc Queens, 4 7568s, 37 LB4
Off front: 4 5678s, 6 6578s, 3 8765s inc backrounds, 6 8756s, 66 LB4
NB Does contain some 87s at backstroke
Any of following leads and calls may be omitted without affecting the atw feature, SSW in 24356, SSW in 35246 and SSM in 32564, omitting all 3 gives 5024 with 928 B, 736 D and only 60 LB4 off front & 121 com, other features the same.
5184 (5056) Spliced Surprise Major (7m)
N R Aspland, arr A J Cox
M B W H 23456 - 42356 B' 2 x - 62534 R'B'SPYR'CP' * - 56234 LYPYS' (2 46532 L'B'YR -) 2 2 32654 L'C'YPRCS'R'B' |
Repeat 5 times, adding bob at * in alternate parts. Reduce to 5056 by omitting bracketed calls and associated leads in one part
5184: 960 Rutland, Yorkshire, 768 Bristol, Pudsey, 576 Cambridge, London, Superlative, 156 com
Music: 138 crus
Rung as 5056 at Barrow Gurney, 15 January 1997
5184 Spliced Surprise Major (7m)
A J Cox
M W B H 23456 - - (54632) BKC'C' - - 36245 GOLG'C'L - x - 43652 SOO'O'KL' x - 43526 OGB'SS' -* x 32546 L'LK'BBB |
Repeat 5 times, omit -* in alternate parts
960 Bristol (B), Cassiobury (O), Lessness (L), 576 Cambridge, Cornwall (K), Glasgow (G), Superlative; 114 changes of method.
Music: 108 crus
M W B H 23456 - - (54632) BKC'C' - - 36245 KKG'C'L - x - 43652 SOO'O'KL' x - 43526 OGB'GGS' -* x 32546 L'LK'BBB |
Repeat 5 times, omit -* in alternate parts
960 Bristol (B), Cornwall (K), 768 Cassiobury (O), Glasgow (G), Lessness (L), 576 Cambridge, 384 Superlative; 108 changes of method.
Music: 108 crus
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (7m)
A J Cox
M W 3 4 B H 23456 - - (54632) BKC'C' - - 36245 GSG'C'L - x - 43652 SOO'O'KL' x - 43526 OGB'SS' - x 32546 L'LK'BBB - - (45623) BKC'C' - - 26354 KKG'C'L - x - 52643 SOO'O'KL' x - 52436 OGB'GGS' x 23564 CG'BBB - - (65432) BKC'C' - - 34256 GSG'C'L - x - 53462 SOO'O'KL' x - 53624 OGB'SS' - x 32654 L'LK'BBB - - (56423) BKC'C' - - 24365 KKG'C'L - x - 62453 SOO'O'KL' x - 62534 OGB'SS' x 23645 CG'BBB - - (46532) BKC'C' - - 35264 GSG'C'L - x - 63542 SOO'O'KL' x - 63425 OGB'GGS' - S (273546) L'L* 3 S x 32465 O'B'B'KL*K'BBB - - (64523) BKC'C' - - 25346 KKG'C'L - x - 42563 SL'O'KL' x - 42635 OGB'GGS' x 23456 LLK'BBB |
1024 Bristol (B), 736 Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (K), 704 Lessness (L), 672 Glasgow (G), 640 Cambridge, 608 Superlative; 112 changes of method.
Music: 108 crus, 12 8765s
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 9 December 2006
Composition Note. This is a six-part with a number of small changes to maximise the music while keeping the length under control and a reasonable method balance
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (7m)
A J Cox
M B 4 3 W H 23456 - - 64352 K'KKLL' x - 64523 SS'CS' - 54326 CSC'CCCS - 34625 K'SL - - 56423 K'CK' - 45623 GL' - - 36524 L'CSGGC' x - 36245 BNN'SC' - 23645 KC' - (42635) BBKBBB' S (372645) CS* SS S (42635) GG*NNG*CC* - 62534 NG'KBBK - x - 52364 L'BN'KL' - 3 - 43265 SCS'LKLN'B'GN'K' 2 32465 LKKNL'B' - 42563 K'G - 54263 GGGGGG' x (46532) SS' - - 25634 LCG'NC' x - 25346 SG'GGC' - 32546 KC' - (43526) BBBBBBB' S 273546 CS*CS 3 S - 357246 K'B'SCSNS'C*N' 2 573246 NKNLLN'B' S (273546) KKNN* S 43526 G*S 2 x - 63254 N'B'BN'KL' - 3 - 42356 L'LLLLN'B'GN'K' 2 23456 LKBKL'B' |
800 Bristol, Cornwall (K), 736 Cambridge (C), 704 London (L), 672 Glasgow, Lessness (N), 640 Superlative, 113 changes of method, all the work
Music: 70 crus inc 17 56s, 19 65s & 13 46s, 16 2468s inc Queens, 13 8765s, 9 8756s, 4 7468s, 33 LB4
Off front: 9 8765s, 9 6578s, 7 5678s, 6 8756s, 45 LB4
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 25 June 2010
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (7m)
Glenn A A Taylor and A J Cox
M B W H 23456 - - 45236 RLLLLL'L' 2 2 53462 L'B'BBBLR'B'R - - 46532 LP'R' - 34562 LS'R - 54263 YSC'PCCS - - - 36245 CCY'P'BB' - 23645 LPR' - (42635) BBBBBBB' - - 56234 SRYS'PSCS' - - 23564 PR'SSP' - 52364 SPPCL' - 35264 LYYSC' - x (56234) R'RR' - - - 43265 YRY'P'R' 2 32465 CYLPY'B' - - 46325 RLLLRL'PYS' 2 2 62453 L'YPLYY'BBRLR'B'R - - 45623 LS'L' - 24653 LY'CPC - 64352 R'YR - - - 25346 CCY'C'R' - 32546 LPR' - 43526 BBBBBBB'R - - 65324 YCY'SSCS' - (26354) CR' - x (65324) SYRS'RR' - - - 42356 CLY'P'R' 2 23456 CSLCY'B' |
896 Rutland, 864 London, 832 Bristol, 672 Yorkshire, 640 Cambridge, 608 Superlative, 512 Pudsey, 118 changes of method, all the work
Music: 88 crus inc 20 56s & 19 65s, 4 8765s, 2 8756s, 33 LB4, tittums
Off front: 7 8765s, 6 8756s, 4 5678s, 3 6578s, 42 LB4
5056 (6336) Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
Neil R Aspland and A J Cox
V M W I B 4 H 23456 - 42356 B' 2 x (S3rds (375624) R'B'SPYR'C(* SS 3 S) - 62534 L*B*SS'B'B'CS*)P' -* [x x x] 45236 L'NPY['B'B']S' 2 2 32546 LY'NNRCS'R'B' |
Repeat 5 times, omitting bob -* in parts 2, 4 & 6.
For 5056 omit calls and leads in parentheses in parts 1, 4, 5 & 6 and those in square brackets in parts 1, 2, 4 & 5.
To give a better method balance the underlined lead can be called Y in the shortened version (but not in the full 6336)
5056 (with Y for S as noted above): 896 Bristol, 768 Rutland, 704 Superlative, 640 Yorkshire, 576 Lincolnshire, Pudsey, 448 Cambridge, London.
Music (5056): 144 crus, 10 8765s & 8756s; off front: 8 8765s & 8756s, 4 5678s & 6578s.
5088 (5760) Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
Neil R Aspland and A J Cox
M W I B 4 H 23456 - 42356 B' 2 x - 62534 R'B'SPYR'CP' (-) [x x (372465) L(')NPY['B' SS x]- 56234 SLC*B*YN']S' 2 2 32654 LC'YNRCS'R'B' |
Repeat 5 times, calling bob (-) in alternate parts only.
For 5088 omit calls and leads in square brackets in 3 parts (e.g. omit in parts 1, 4 & 5 if (-) called in parts 2, 4 & 6)
5088: 768 Bristol, Rutland, 672 Cambridge, Superlative, Yorkshire, 576 Pudsey, 480 London, Lincolnshire.
Music (5088): 144 crus, 7 8765s & 8756s; off front: 7 8765s & 8756s.
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 25 November 1994
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
Neil R Aspland and A J Cox
5 M B W 3 4 H 23456 - 42356 B' | 2 x - 62534 R'B'SPYR'CP' | A * - 56234 LNPYS' | 2 2 32654 LC'YNRCS'R'B' | - 63254 B 2 x - 43526 R'B'SPYR'CP' - - 65324 R'NPYS' - (26354) LC' - (36452) YNRC' SS - 46253 NSL*B*NS'PR SS - - 2 23564 P*B*YN'S'R'B' A 32465 A with bob at * 23645 - 62345 B' 2 x S S - 52436 R'B'SPYR'C*B*P' - 45236 LNPYS' 2 2 32546 LC'YNRCS'R'B' - 53246 B' 2 x - 63425 R'B'SPYR'CP' - S 273546 L'PPY*PS 3 S - 54326 L'LLP'B'NC*S' 2 2 23456 LC'YNRCS'R'B' |
832 Rutland, 736 Pudsey, 704 Bristol, 672 Superlative, 640 Cambridge, Yorkshire, 480 London, Lincolnshire.
Music: 144 crus, 10 8765s; off front, 8 5678s, 4 6578s
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 12 January 2008
Composition Note. Neil Aspland's excellent 6 part actually contains all 144 crus in 4416 changes but has no 8765s at the back or 5678s or 6578s off the front. This version retains the basic six part, with just the 2 underlined leads changed, then has additions to obtain more [5678] music both at the front and at the back.
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
Philip G K Davies, arr A J Cox
M B W H 23456 2 42356 B'YYYCCPC' - 53246 RS'L - - 24536 LLLLRL'YYN' - 52436 LYL' - 35426 RRRRRR'NCC - - 64523 NNP'PR' - 56423 SSSSSNS' - - 42563 YYCY'BB' - 54263 NPNPR' - x - 24653 R'BBB'SC' - - 65243 BC'CNY' - - 32546 CCP'NYPP' x 24365 PS'BBB |
Repeat, replacing CPC with PPN and SC with LRR in second part
768 Rutland, 704 Yorkshire, 640 Bristol, 608 Cambridge, Lincolnshire & Pudsey, 544 London & Superlative, 92 changes of method, all the work
Music: 81 crus inc 15 56s & 13 65s, 2 8765s, 4 8756s, 3 2468s, 39 LB4
Off front: 11 8765s & 8756s, 2 5678s & 6578s, 37 LB4
Rung at Yatton, 28 October 2017
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
A J Cox
M B 4 3 V W H 23456 - 43652 K'G - 64352 CGYC' x - 64523 SY'CS' - 56423 RYK' - 45623 LKKLL' - - 36524 L'CCGGY' x - 36245 YRCSR'RSGC' - 23645 KC' - (42635) BBBBBBB' S 372645 CS*CS S 42635 SSSYS*S - 62534 R'G - x - 52364 SCY'RK'KR' - 2 (26435) R'LKLR'B' SS - - 43265 CK*B*K'K' 2 32465 YYGC'B' - 42563 K'G - 54263 GGGGGG' x - - 53462 SC'BR'R' - - 46532 YL'R' - - 25634 L'LC' x - 25346 SG'SC' - 32546 KC' - (43526) BBBBBBB' S 273546 CS*CS - SS 374526 K'KRR*CRL*K 2 S 2 735246 L'CYGY'Y*R'B' - 573246 KY' S (273546)LS* S 43526 C*S 2 x - 63254 R'YGSC'BK'KL' - 3 - 42356 L'LLLLK'B'GK'K' 2 23456 LKBKL'B' |
768 Cornwall, 736 Bristol, Cambridge, 640 London, Superlative, 576 Glasgow, 544 Rutland, 480 Yorkshire, 114 changes of method, all the work
Music: 81 crus inc 19 56s, 20 65s & 13 46s, 11 8765s, 11 2468s inc Queens, 9 8756s, 6 7468s, 34 LB4
Off front: 7 8765s, 7 6578s, 5 5678s, 4 8756s, 44 LB4
5152 Spliced Surprise Major
A J Cox
8m 9m 10m 11m 12m 13m 2345678 Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative - 3578264 Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge 7325486 Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall 4267835 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol 6482573 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol 8654327 Uxbridge Belfast Belfast Belfast Belfast Belfast 5836742 London London London London London London - 7358264 Superlative Superlative Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 8634725 Cambridge Cambridge Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 4265873 Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative 5723486 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge 3876542 Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey Jersey - 8642357 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge 2567834 Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow 5723648 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge 3478562 Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative - 4862357 London London London London London London 6438725 Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall 7356248 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol 5723864 Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall 8245673 Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Leatherhead Leatherhead - 6482357 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire 2547638 Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey - 5738264 |
Repeat 6 times
14m 15m 16m 17m 2345678 Superlative Superlative 2345678 Superlative Superlative - 3578264 Uxbridge Uxbridge - 3578264 Uxbridge Uxbridge 7325486 Norfolk Norfolk 7325486 Norfolk Norfolk 6482573 Glasgow Glasgow 6482573 Glasgow Glasgow 4267835 Tritium Tritium 4267835 Tritium Tritium 8654327 Belfast Belfast 8654327 Belfast Belfast 5836742 London London 5836742 London London - 7358264 Yorkshire Yorkshire - 7358264 Ashtead Ashtead 8634725 Cambridge Cambridge 4265873 Superlative Superlative 4265873 Superlative Superlative 5723486 Cassiobury Cassiobury 5723486 Cambridge Cambridge 8634725 Uxbridge Uxbridge 3876542 Jersey Jersey 3876542 Jersey Jersey - 8642357 Cambridge Cambridge - 8642357 Cambridge Cambridge 2567834 Glasgow Glasgow 2567834 Glasgow Glasgow 5723648 Cambridge Cambridge 5723648 Cambridge Cambridge 3478562 Superlative Superlative 3478562 Superlative Superlative - 4862357 London London - 4862357 London London 6438725 Cornwall Cornwall 6438725 Cornwall Cornwall 7356248 Bristol Bristol 7356248 Bristol Bristol 5723864 Malpas Malpas 5723864 Malpas Malpas 8245673 Uxbridge Leatherhead 8245673 Uxbridge Leatherhead - 6482357 Lincolnshire Lincolnshire - 6482357 Lincolnshire Lincolnshire 2547638 Yorkshire Yorkshire 2547638 Yorkshire Yorkshire - 5738264 - 5738264 |
Repeat 6 times
18m 19m 20m 21m 22m 23m 23m ELD 2345678 Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative - 3578264 Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge 7325486 Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk 6482573 Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow 4267835 Tritium Tritium Tritium Tritium Tritium Tritium Tritium 8654327 Belfast Belfast Belfast Belfast Belfast Belfast Belfast 5836742 London London Neasden Neasden Neasden Neasden Neasden - 7358264 Ashtead Ashtead Ashtead Ashtead Ashtead Ashtead Ashtead 4265873 Superlative Superlative Superlative Superlative Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham 5723486 Cassiobury Cassiobury Cassiobury Cassiobury Cassiobury Cassiobury Cassiobury 8634725 Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley 3876542 Jersey Jersey Jersey Jersey Jersey Jersey Jersey - 8642357 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Pudsey 2567834 Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Icklesham Icklesham 5723648 Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium 6285473 Otley Otley Otley Otley Otley Otley Otley - 4862357 London London London London London London London 6438725 Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall 7356248 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol 5723864 Malpas Malpas Malpas Malpas Malpas Malpas Malpas 8245673 Uxbridge Leatherhead Leatherhead Leatherhead Leatherhead Leatherhead Evington - 6482357 Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Minsmere 2547638 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Congresbury - 5738264 |
Repeat 6 times
8m: 1120 Cambridge, 896 Superlative, 672 Bristol, Cornwall, Uxbridge, 448 London, Pudsey, 224 Glasgow; 153 com, atw
9m: 1120 Cambridge, 896 Superlative, 672 Bristol, Cornwall, 448 London, Pudsey, Uxbridge, 224 Belfast, Glasgow; 153 com, atw
10m: 896 Cambridge, 672 Bristol, Cornwall, Superlative, 448 London, Pudsey, Uxbridge, Yorkshire, 224 Belfast, Glasgow; 146 com, atw
11m: 672 Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall, Superlative, 448 London, Pudsey, Uxbridge, Yorkshire, 224 Belfast, Glasgow, Lincolnshire; 146 com, atw
12m: 672 Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall, Superlative, 448 London, Pudsey, Yorkshire, 224 Belfast, Glasgow, Leatherhead, Lincolnshire, Uxbridge; 146 com, atw
13m: 672 Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall, Superlative, 448 London, Yorkshire, 224 Belfast, Glasgow, Jersey, Leatherhead, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Uxbridge; 146 com, atw
14m: 896 Cambridge, 672 Superlative, 448 Glasgow, London, Uxbridge, Yorkshire, 224 Belfast, Bristol, Cornwall, Jersey, Lincolnshire, Malpas, Norfolk, Tritium; 160 com, atw
15m: 896 Cambridge, 672 Superlative, 448 Glasgow, London, Yorkshire, 224 Belfast, Bristol, Cornwall, Jersey, Leatherhead, Lincolnshire, Malpas, Norfolk, Tritium, Uxbridge; 160 com, atw
16m: 672 Superlative, Uxbridge, 448 Cambridge, Glasgow, London, 224 Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Jersey, Lincolnshire, Malpas, Norfolk, Tritium, Yorkshire; 160 com, atw
17m: 672 Superlative, 448 Cambridge, Glasgow, London, Uxbridge, 224 Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Jersey, Leatherhead, Lincolnshire, Malpas, Norfolk, Tritium, Yorkshire; 160 com, atw
18m: 672 Uxbridge, 448 Glasgow, London, Superlative, 224 Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Jersey, Lincolnshire, Malpas, Norfolk, Rubidium, Otley, Tritium, Yorkshire; 160 com, atw
19m: 448 Glasgow, London, Superlative, Uxbridge, 224 Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Jersey, Leatherhead, Lincolnshire, Malpas, Norfolk, Rubidium, Otley, Tritium, Yorkshire; 160 com, atw
20m: 448 Glasgow, Superlative, Uxbridge, 224 Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Jersey, Leatherhead, Lincolnshire, London, Malpas, Neasden, Norfolk, Rubidium, Otley, Tritium, Yorkshire; 160 com, atw
21m: 448 Glasgow, Superlative, 224 Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Jersey, Leatherhead, Lincolnshire, London, Malpas, Neasden, Norfolk, Rubidium, Otley, Tritium, Uxbridge, Wembley, Yorkshire; 160 com, atw
22m: 448 Glasgow, 224 Ashtead, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Jersey, Leatherhead, Lincolnshire, London, Malpas, Neasden, Norfolk, Rubidium, Otley, Superlative, Tritium, Uxbridge, Wembley, Yorkshire; 160 com, atw
23m: 224 Ashtead, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Glasgow, Icklesham, Jersey, Leatherhead, Lincolnshire, London, Malpas, Neasden, Norfolk, Rubidium, Otley, Superlative, Tritium, Uxbridge, Wembley, Yorkshire; 160 com, atw
23m (every lead different): 224 Ashtead, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cassiobury, Congresbury, Cornwall, Evington, Glasgow, Icklesham, Jersey, London, Malpas, Minsmere, Neasden, Norfolk, Pudsey, Rubidium, Otley, Superlative, Tritium, Uxbridge, Wembley; 160 com, atw
Music (23m): 45 crus, inc 7 5678s & 6 6578s, 14 2468s, 12 7568s, 5 7468s, 3 8756s, 2 8765s, 24 LB4
Off front: 7 6578s & 8756s, 4 8765s, 2 5678s, 33 LB4
(23 ELD): 43 crus, inc 7 5678s & 5 6578s, 14 2468s, 13 7568s, 4 7468s, 3 8756s, 2 8765s, 27 LB4
Off front: 8 6578s & 8756s, 4 8765s, 3 5678s, 37 LB4
10m rung at Bristol Cathedral, 4 May 1996 & Barrow Gurney, 22 May 1996
12m rung at Barrow Gurney, 12 June 1996
13m rung at Dore, 16 January 2013, conducted by Peter C Randall
14m rung at Barrow Gurney, 31 July 1996
15m rung at Dore, 20 February 2013, conducted by Peter C Randall
16m rung at Dore, 6 March 2013, conducted by Peter C Randall
17m rung at Barrow Gurney, 28 August 1996
21m rung at Barrow Gurney, 16 October 1996
23m rung at Barrow Gurney, 30 October 1996
23m ELD rung at Barrow Gurney, 1 December 1996
5184 (5056) Spliced Surprise Major
Neil R Aspland and A J Cox
M B W H 23456 9m 10m 11m 12m - 42356 B' B' B' B' 2 x - 62534 R'D'SPYR'CP' R'D'PPYU'CP' R'D'PDoYU'CDo' R'D'PDoYU'CDo' (-) - 56234 L(')NPYS' L(')NPYS' L(')NPYS' L(')NPYS' 2 46532 L'D'NR L'D'NR L'D'NR L'D'NR - 2 2 32654 L'C'YNRCS'R'B' R'C'YNUCS'R'B' R'C'YNUCS'R'B' W'C'YNUCS'R'B' |
Repeat 5 times, (-) in alternate parts only. Reduce to 5056 by omitting block of 3 M and associated 4 leads in any one part.
D = Double Dublin
U = Uxbridge
Do = Dorchester
W = Watford
13 m: as 12 m with lead 6 Aldenham (instead of Y)
14 m: as 13 m with lead 17 Alloa (instead of N)
15 m: as 14 m with lead 24 Eastwood (instead of C)
16 m: as 15 m with lead 18 Magnesium (instead of R)
17 m: as 16 m with lead 5 Jersey (instead of Do)
18 m: as 17 m with lead 25 Painswick (instead of S)
19 m: as 18 m with lead 7 Lessness (instead of U)
20 m: as 19 m with lead 3 Belfast (instead of D)
21 m: as 20 m with lead 8 Quornden (instead of C)
22 m: as 21 m with lead 21 Stratford (instead of Y)
23 m: as 22 m with lead 12 Yttrium (instead of P)
24 m: as 23 m with lead 10 Richmond (instead of L)
25 m: as 24 m with lead 11 Ospringe (instead of N)
26 m: as 25 m with lead 2 Radium (instead of R)
27 m: as 26 m with lead 27 (or lead 1) Guildford (instead of B)
Music: all versions have 144 crus
12 m rung at Barrow Gurney, 4 March 1998
15 m rung at Barrow Gurney, 15 July 1998
18 m rung at Barrow Gurney, 4 November 1998
27 m rung at Barrow Gurney, 13 January 1999
5184 (5056) Spliced Surprise Major
Neil R Aspland and A J Cox
M B W H 23456 - 42356 B' 2 x - 62534 R'D'PPYU'CP' (-) - 56234 L(')NPYS' 2 46532 L'D'(UN - 2 2 32654 R)'C'YNUCS'R'B' |
Repeat 5 times, (-) in parts 2, 4 & 6 only. Reduce to 5056 by replacing bracketed leads with a single lead of Bristol in parts 1 & 2.
768 Pudsey, 576 Cambridge (C), Yorkshire (Y), 512 Lincolnshire (N), Rutland (R), Uxbridge (U), 448 Bristol (B), 384 Double Dublin (D), London (L), Superlative (S), 146 changes of method
Music (5056): 144 crus, 12 5867s & 6857s, 8 7586s & 7685s, 28 LB4, tittums
Off front: 6 each 8765s & 8756s, 36 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 5 August 2010 (a variant of the 10 method peal in the 9-27 method series)
5012 Spliced Major
A J Cox
2345678 Avon Link L A - 2386745 Uxbridge 8273564 Vanadium 6435278 Yorkshire 5748623 Otley 4567382 Cambridge 7852436 Medway 3624857 Uxbridge* - 8236745 Bristol - 3826745 Jubilee 2378564 Majestic 6485372 Deuteron 7253486 Deuteron 8634257 Majestic 5742638 Jubilee - 6457823 Bristol - 5647823 Uxbridge* 4586372 Medway 7263584 Cambridge 3824756 Otley 2378645 Yorkshire 8435267 Vanadium 6752438 Uxbridge - 4567823 |
Repeat six times
896 Uxbridge, 448 Bristol, Cambridge, Deuteron, Jubilee, Majestic, Medway, Otley, Vanadium, Yorkshire S, 84 Avon Link L A, 153 changes of method, all the work
Music: 50 of each 4-bell run (2345, 5432, 3456, 6543, 4567, 7654, 5678, 8765) within the change (18 of each run at the back and 14 at the front).
Ring Uxbridge* as Lessness for 12 methods
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 11 March 2005
5280 Spliced Surprise Major
A J Cox
12345678 Yorkshire 15738264 Pudsey 18674523 Wansdyke 14263857 Westmorland - 12357486 Ashtead - 18645723 Dorchester 15263874 Cambridge - 12374586 Dublin - 17234586 Wembley - 15372648 Chew 17563824 Superlative S 31524786 |
Repeat 14 times. S = 34
480 Ashtead, Cambridge, Chew, Dorchester, Dublin, Pudsey, Superlative, Wansdyke, Wembley, Westmorland and Yorkshire S, 164 changes of method
Music: 43 crus inc 11 56s & 5 65s, 10 7568s & 7468s, 4 2468s inc Queens, 4 8765s, 3 8756s, 31 LB4
Off front: 7 5678s, 4 6578s & 8756s, 3 8765s, 53 LB4
Rung at SS Philip & Jacob, Bristol, 13 December 1978 (the first peal of variable-hunt spliced to be rung)
5280 Spliced Surprise Major
A J Cox
12345678 Yorkshire 15738264 Cherwell 18674523 Lincolnshire 14263857 Pudsey - 12357486 Ashtead - 18645723 Warwickshire 15263874 Cambridge - 12374586 Double Dublin - 17234586 Ealing - 15372648 Bristol 17563824 Superlative S 31524786 |
Repeat 14 times. S = 34
480 Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cherwell, Double Dublin, Ealing, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Superlative, Warwickshire and Yorkshire S, 164 changes of method
Music: 39 crus inc 6 56s & 7 65s, 8 2468s inc Queens, 6 7568s & 7468s, 5 8756s, 3 8765s, 36 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s, 4 6578s, 3 8765s & 8756s, 49 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 22 November 1995
5152 Spliced Surprise Major
N Smith, arranged R Baldwin and A J Cox
2345678 Belgrave - 2357486 Uxbridge, Cornwall, Double Dublin, Bristol, Whalley - 2378564 Watford, London, Tavistock, Glasgow, Londonderry, Cassiobury - 7238564 Lindum, Superlative, Wembley - 3728564 Ramsey - 5237486 Jersey, Preston, Ipswich, Cray, Ashtead, Brockley, Pudsey - 3524786 |
Repeat 6 times
224 Ashtead, Belgrave, Bristol, Brockley, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Cray, Double Dublin, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, Lindum, London, Londonderry, Preston, Pudsey, Ramsey, Superlative, Tavistock, Uxbridge S, Watford, Wembley & Whalley, 160 changes of method, all the work and every lead different
Music: 40 crus inc 14 56s & 4 65s, 6 7468s, 5 7568s, 4 2468s, 3 8756s, 2 8765s, 44 LB4
Off front: 5 5678s, 4 6578s, 9 8765s, 8 8756s, 36 LB4
Rung at Caversham, 21 February 1988
Peals: Surprise: Major, Royal, Maximus | Delight: Major, Royal, Maximus | Spliced: Major, Royal, Maximus | Other: Major, Royal | Caters | Cinques