Quarter Peal Compositions

This is a selection of quarter peal compositions we have rung over the last few years and which I think have some musical merit; no claim that any of them is original is made.

Cambridge Surprise Minor

555 Cambridge Surprise Minor

- 52346
- 52463
- 34526
- 53426
- 64532
- 32564
- 45326
- 45263
S 23456

Start at backstroke with rounds as the first treble snap with a bob

  123456 H
  213546 B
  125364 H
- 152346 B

Combined with an extent gives 1275 for a quarter peal. Note: does contain 65s at backstroke

Carlisle Surprise Minor

555 (531) Carlisle Surprise Minor

-  42365
-  42653
-  36425
-* 36254
-* 54236
-  43625
-+ 43256
-+ 56243
-  64325
-  64253
-  32645
S  23456

Start at backstroke with rounds as the first treble snap with a bob

   123456 H
   214365 B
   124356 H
-  142365 B

For 531 either of the pairs of bobs marked * or + and the 3 leads between them can be omitted and replaced with 2 plain leads

Combined with an extent gives 1275 or 1251 for a quarter peal. Note: does contain 65s at backstroke

Rung as 555 at Stanton Drew, 10 January 2025

Spliced Surprise Major

1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (2-5 methods)

        2m 5m
  23456 C  C
- 35642 L  L
- 26354 C  B/S
- 65432 L  L
- 24653 C  C
  53462 C  C
- 36245 L  W
  23564 L  L
  52436 L  L
- 64523 C  C
- 42356 L  W
- 63425 C  C
  25346 C  B/S
- 54632 L  W
- 26543 C  B/S
- 64352 L  L
- 23645 C  C
  45362 C  B/S
- 56234 L  L
  25463 L  W
- 34256       

Repeat twice. C = Cambridge, L = London, B/S = Beverley or Surfleet, W = Wells

2m (720 Cambridge & London): start in Cambridge and call tenor 4OI4OIHI4OI4OH, and repeat twice, with change of method at every call.
Beverley and Surfleet can be added with 6 lead splices (e.g. 5 or 6 3rds place bell in Cambridge)
Wells can be added as 3 lead splices (e.g. 5-6, 2-3, 3-4 or 4-2 2nd & 4ths place bells in London)

Note: does contain 65s at backstroke

2 m rung at Barrow Gurney, 18 July 2013

Birmingham Carter Triples

1296 Birmingham Carter Triples
G A A Taylor

*  S 2431657
5  S 7126354
1  S 6512473
2  S 1375426
1  S 5237614
2  S 3412675
5  S 5236174
1  S 6723451
2  S 2157436
2  S 5631472
1  S 1763254
4+   2413567 

Repeat 3 times, start with rounds as 9th row of division and first single at first division end,
part end 4 divisions and 9 rows after last call

Birmingham Carter Triples: & le 7 4623175. Call: single 567 at division end.

Music: 32 67s inc 24 567s, 24 765s, 12 246s inc Queens, 11 746s, 46 46s
Off front: 12 765s & 567s, backrounds
Rung at Winford, 30 June 2011

Brunel Triples

1344 (1260) Brunel Triples

2 3 4 6 1234567
  S - S 7421563
S       7451263
S S S   2174563
  S S S 3421567

Repeat 3 times, omit SS at 2 in one part for 1260
6th the observation bell; all courses 7 divisions long

Brunel Triples: & le 7 6341275. Calls: bob 5 & single 567 at division end.

Music (1344): 72 67s inc 24 567s, 30 46s inc 15 746s & 7 246s
Rung at Winford, 26 May 2011

Double Oxford Bob Triples

1302 Double Oxford Bob Triples

1 2 3 4 5 6 234567
      3 -   53246
  -     -   432765
-     - 3 - 32546
        -   42356
        -   52436
  -     -   243765
-   3 -   - 24536
        -   34256
        -   54326
  -     -   243765
-     -   - 43526
        -   23456

All courses 5 leads long except those with call at 6, which are 6 leads long. A 3 part with added blocks of 3 when 46 are behind.
63 67s inc 18 567s, 40 46s inc 10 246s & 12 746s, Queens, 15 657s, 21 576s, 12 756s & 765s, tittums, backrounds
Rung at Yatton, 25 August 2011

Grandsire Triples

1273 Grandsire Triples

1 2 3 234567
-   - 324576
- -   4325  
- -   2435
  - - 4532 A
  - - 5234
- -   3524  
  A   5423  
- -   2543
  - S 4352
S - - 435672
S -   543276
  A   4235
  A   2534
- -  (325476)

Rounds at hand 2 leads after last call; all courses 4 leads except course 1S,2,3 (3 leads)
Suitable for half-muffled ringing; 75 67s, inc 14 567s, 15 467s, 18 576s, 20 756s
Rung at Backwell, 9 April 2002

1274 Grandsire Triples

1 2 3 4 234567
- -     423567
-   -   243576
- -     324576
- -     432576
-   -   342567
  - S   254367
  -   - 356247
  - -   526347
  - -   236547
  -   - 534267
  - -   324567

Repeat. Replace first call by SBBS in first part
22 657s, 20 756s, 18 567s, 576s, 16 746s, 38 46s inc Queens
Rung at Backwell, 9 March 2003

1274 Grandsire Triples

1 2 3 234567
- -   423567
-   - 243576
S -   324675
- -   432675
- -   243675
S -   324576
- -*  432576
-   - 342567
  - S 254367
  - - 534267
  - - 324567

Repeat. Replace -* by SBBS in second part
22 657s, 20 756s, 18 567s, 576s, 765s, 16 746s, 29 46s
Rung at Backwell, 16 June 2002

Oxford Bob Triples (Single Oxford Bob Triples)

1260 Oxford Bob Triples

1 2 3 4 5 234567
2 -       324657
-   -     735246 (3)
    - - 3 573246
    - -   357246
    - - 2 532746
  -       325467 (2)
        - 423567
2 -       243657
-       2 342567
2 -       432657
-       2 234567

All courses 5 leads long except where shown
40 67s inc 18 567s, 10 756s & 657s, 8 765s, 37 46s inc 9 246s & 7 746s, Queens, Whittingtons, tittums, backrounds
Rung at Shepton Mallett, 4 August 2011

Plain Bob Triples

Note on notation: I have used V to indicate calls where the 7th is dodging 56 up (the first lead of the course) and M where the 7th is dodging 56 down. As there is no dodge at the back, simply long places, the wrong position does not really exist in Plain Bob Triples

1288 Plain Bob Triples

V I M H  234567
2     -  43526
-  (- -  65432
    - -) 24536
2 x   3  32456

Repeat, omitting calls in brackets
22 567s & 657s, 21 756s & 576s, 18 7468s, 29 46s
Rung at Backwell, 17 March 2002

1260 Plain Bob Triples

1 3 5 6  234567
  S   4  432657
  -   6  432576
S -      532764
3 - S -  243657
  S   S  234567

For half -muffled ringing
23 567s (19 at h/s), 23 756s & 12 246s (all at h/s), Queens, Kings & tittums
Rung at Backwell, 19 September 2022

1260 Plain Bob Triples

V    M H 23456
-  I     23546
4* B 3   36245
   4     52436
2 SB   3 23465
  SB   3 23456

4* = BSBS
24 567s, 16 756s & 746s, Queens, & tittums
Rung at Backwell, 6 November 2022

1260 Plain Bob Triples

V   M H 23456
2     - 43526
3 I   3 32456
2     - 42536
2     - 52346
  B -   56342
  4   3 23456

22 567s, 19 756s, 18 746s, Queens, & tittums
Rung at Backwell, 15 December 2024

St Clement's Triples

1260 St Clement's Triples

B  M  H  23456
4   2A  (54632)
-  2  2  43526
5  2  2  53246
5  2  2  23456

A = In and Out at 2 (first In is lead after 4th B)
11 56s, 7 65s, 14 7468s, 7568s, 11 2468s
Rung at Backwell, 18 September 2005

Double Norwich C B Major

1264 Double Norwich C B Major

1 4 5 6  7 23456
      BS   32456
    -    - 3247856
      -    2437856
    -    - 2435678
      -    43256
-   x      23654
  -   S    42356
    x      34625
-   x      64523
    x      56342
    x      35264
    x      23456

x indicates a 5 lead course, all others 7 leads long
32 crus, inc 24 56s, 8 8765s, 17 LB4
Off front: 20 8765s, 8 5678s, 23 LB4 inc 8 6543s & 2345s
Rung at Knowle, Bristol, 21 February 2013

1265 Double Norwich C B Major

V H O (325476)
  S    325467
  4    24365
    3* 32465
  x    43526
    -  35426
  x    43652
-   3' 23456

Start at backstroke with rounds as the handstroke treble lead and with a single
3* = SBS and 3' = BBB or 3* = BB and 3' = BSBS
31 crus, inc 11 56s & 16 65s or 15 56s & 12 65s, 23 LB4
Off front: 8 8765s & 16 8756s or 12 8765s & 8756s, 32 LB4
Rung at Winford, 21 January 2025

1280 Double Norwich C B Major

I  6 4 V  H O 23456
          x   42635
   x          372546
       3*     472536
     S    x   24365
            S 23465
          x   42536
2*          - 45236
          x   24653
       -    2 23456

3* = BSB, 2* = SB
22 crus, inc 10 56s & 8 65s, 16 8765s, 18 LB4
Off front: 16 5678s, 8 8765s, 8756s, 25 LB4
Rung at Chewton Mendip, 18 June 2010

1296 Double Norwich C B Major

4 5 6  7 23456
  x      42635
  x      64523
  x      56342
  x      35264
- x      34256
    SB   24356
  - -  - 4327856
    2    2437856
  - -  - 4325678
    SB   23456

28 crus, inc 24 56s, 12 8765s, 4 3456s, 5432s
Off front: 24 8765s, 12 5678s, 8 6543s, 2345s
Rung at Backwell, 27 October 2002

1312 Double Norwich C B Major

3 4 5 6  7 8 23456
S S          8234567 (8)
S S          7823456 (8)
S S          6782345 (8)
S S        - 2347856 (9)
      BS     3247856
    -    -   3245678
      2      4325678
      SB     2345678

Numbers in brackets show non-standard course lengths
20 crus, inc 18 56s, 14 8765s, 19 LB4
Off front: 18 8765s, 14 5678s, 20 LB4
Rung at Chewton Mendip, 23 March 2018

1312 Double Norwich C B Major

1 4 5 6 7 23456
      2   42356
S         52346
-   - - - 4327856
      2   2437856
    - - - 4325678
      2   24356
S -       64523
-   -     54326 (5)
-     -   23456

Number in brackets shows non-standard course length
30 crus, inc 24 56s, 12 8765s, 16 LB4
Off front: 24 8765s, 12 5678s, 16 LB4
Rung at Blagdon, 18 December 2024

1344 Double Norwich C B Major

3 4 6 7 8 2345678
S S       8234567
S S       7823456
S S       6782345
S S     - 5678342
      2   5678234
S S       4567823
S S       3456782
S S   -   3425678
    2     2345678

Note courses with singles at 3 & 4 are eight leads long
12 56s, 12 8765s, 4 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s, 6543s, 4567s, 7654s
Off front: 12 8765s, 12 5678s, 4 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s, 6543s, 4567s, 7654s
Rung at Backwell, 10 September 2006

1344 Double Norwich C B Major

5  6  7 2345678
-     - 2347856
  BSB   2437856
S     - 2436578
   S    2346578
- SS  - 2347865
S  -  - 3425678
  SBS   2345678

28 crus inc 16 56s & 8 65s, 16 8765s, 4 8756s
Off front: 16 8765s, 5678s, 8 8756s, 4 6578s

1344 Double Norwich C B Major

5  6  7 2345678
   2    4235678
-  -  - 2347856
   S    2437856
S     - 2436578
   S    2346578
-  -  S 3427856
   S    3247856
-  S    4536278
   S  - 3245678
   BS   2345678

30 crus inc 20 56s & 8 65s, 16 8765s, megatittums course, 17 LB4
Off front: 20 8765s, 16 5678s, 8 8756s, 19 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 30 July 2015

Ashtead S Major

1312 Ashtead S Major

B M H 23456
    - 42356
x   - 42563
  S   32564
x   S 23645
x   S 32456
    2 24356
    S 23456

25 cru, inc 11 56s & 1 65, 12 LB4
Off front: 9 8765s, 1 8756, 12 LB4
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 28 May 2015

Belfast S Major

1280 Belfast S Major

M I/V B W H 23456
          1 42356
1  x        26354
2     -   2 54632
      - 2 1 53246
1     -   1 23456

33 cru, inc 24 56s, 15 8765s
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 4 September 2008

1344 Belfast S Major

M 4/I W H 23456
        4 42356
1       2 26354
2  2  2 2 45236
      1 1 23456

4 = SBBS, S = 1456
45 cru, inc 24 56s & 9 65s, 15 8765s, 12 LB4
Off front: 5 8765s, 3 8756s, 26 LB4
Rung at Yatton, 30 June 2016

Birthday S Major

1280 Birthday S Major

M 3 B 4 5 W H 23456
    -       - 23564
    -     - - 24365
    S - S     745263
S S         3 23456

40 cru, inc 20 56s & 12 65s, 6 8765s, 10 LB4
Off front: 11 8765s & 8756s, 2 5678s & 6578s, 16 LB4
Also true to Rutland S Major
Rung at Congresbury, 16 May 2019

Bristol S Major

1250 Bristol S Major

 M           W  H  23456
    S4,I,SB SBS 1  62345
 1   S3,S5         46253
BBS  S4,SB  SBS   (42536)

Rounds snap two blows after final call
37 crus inc 17 56s & 12 65s, 15 8765s, 4 8756s, 14 LB4
Off front: 12 8765s, 10 5678s, 3 8756s, 1 6578, 21 LB4
Rung at Chewton Mendip, 30 January 2014

1250 Bristol S Major

M           W   H  23456
   B,S4,SB SBS  1  62345
1   S3,S5          46253
BS  S4,SB  SBBS   (42536)

Rounds at snap two blows after final call
39 crus inc 19 56s & 12 65s, 13 8765s, 4 8756s, 30 LB4
Off front: 10 8765s, 8 5678s, 5 8756s, 3 6578, 27 LB4
Rung at Congresbury, 26 December 2015

1250 Bristol S Major

       V W   H   23456
            BBS  32456
 SB,S4 S 1   1   537264
  I,B       SBS  43265
S4,I,SB  BS     (42536)

Rounds at snap two blows after final call
22 56s & 16 65s, 10 8765s, 6 2468s inc Kings & Queens, 22 LB4
Off front: 9 8765s, 5 5678s, 6 8756s, 2 6578, 25 LB4
Rung at Winford, 7 January 2023

1250 Bristol S Major
see 1250 Reverse Dublin S Major
39 crus, inc 19 56s & 12 65s, 13 8765s, 4 8756s, 18 LB4
Off front: 12 8765s, 10 5678s, 3 8756s, 1 6578s, 27 LB4

1265 Bristol S Major

        W  H (81234567)
  A       SBS 14326578
S4,I,SB 2  1  154326
        2  2  123456

A = start at backstroke with rounds as the 16th row of a lead (tenor in the hunt).
34 variable-hunt single at end of first lead puts treble in hunt, then call tenor, out, 4ths, 4ths, single 2nds, out (VBBPPBPSB).
34 crus, inc 18 56s & 16 65s, 3 8765s, 36 LB4
Off front: 8 8765s, 6 8756s, 2 5678s & 6578s, 21 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Wedmore, 24 November 2011

1280 Bristol S Major

B 4/I W H 23456
        2 34256
   x  S   43625
-         32456

44 crus, inc 24 56s, 12 65s, 4 8756s, 20 LB4
Off front: 12 8765s, 8 8756s, 4 6578s
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 21 June 2003

1280 Bristol S Major

M B 4/I W H 23456
          2 34256
     x  S   43625
  -       2 24356
  -         45263
S    x      23456

40 crus, inc 24 56s, 8 65s, 8 8756s, 36 LB4
Off front: 12 8765s, 5 8756s, 7 6578s
Rung to Bristol at Bristol Cathedral, 24 August 2007

1280 Bristol S Major

M         W H   23456
            SBS 34256
   4/I    2     34625
1 S4/I/SB 1     45362
1 S4/I/SB       23456

16 56s, 11 65s, 16 3456s, 16 5432s
Off front: 9 8765s, 3 8756s, 6578s, 1 5678
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 11 May 2008

1280 Bristol S Major

M           W H   23456
              BBS 32456
      B           25364
SB   S4,SB  1     34625
1 S4,I,SB,S4,SB   23456

16 56s, 9 65s, 11 8756s, 44 LB4 inc 16 3456s, 16 5432s, tittums
Off front: 7 8765s, 6 8756s, 6578s, 1 5678, 22 LB4
Rung at Wraxall, 22 October 2009

1280 Bristol S Major

M  B 4/I W  H  23456
            2  34256
   -           45362
4*    2  4'    43625
   -        3* 23456

4* = SBBS, 4' = BSBB, 3* = BBS
48 crus, inc 24 56s, 20 65s, 20 8756s, 7685s, 5867s, 22 LB4
Off front: 8 8765s, 7 6578s, 5 8756s, 34 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Backwell, 29 November 2009

1280 Bristol S Major

 M  4 I B W   H  23456
              BS 43256
    x -   BS     42635
      - - BS  B  273546
SBS x   -    BSB 23456

33 crus inc 24 56s & 9 65s, 16 8765s, 9 2468s inc Queens, 3 8756s, 10 LB4
Off front: 6 5678s, 8765s & 8756s, 2 6578s, 26 LB4

1280 Bristol S Major

         W   H  23456
            BBS 32456
S4,I,SB BBS     42635
  S3,5  BS  BBS 352746
 4,I,SB         23456

31 crus inc 16 56s & 12 65s, 16 7468s, 9 2468s inc Kings & Queens, 4 8756s, 34 LB4
Off front: 3 5678s, 9 8765s, 7 8756s, 5 6578s, 24 LB4
Rung at Burnham on Sea, 25 February 2016

1280 Bristol S Major

M         5 W H 23456
  B,4,B,4 2 1 1 537264
    I,B       1 32465
1   4,I     2 2 23456

Bobs only
20 crus inc 12 56s & 8 65s, 12 8765s, 6 2468s inc Kings & Queens, 48 LB4 inc 24 5432s
Off front: 3 5678s & 8765s, 4 8756s, 2 6578s, 20 LB4
Rung at Almondsbury, 2 June 2016

1280 Bristol S Major

M           5  W H  23456
   B,S4,SB     1    34625
1 4,I,S4,S4 2*      745362
S    S3          2* 23456

2* =SB. No more than 2 consecutive calls
21 crus inc 12 56s & 6 65s, 12 8765s, 2 8756s, 40 LB4 inc 16 5432s & 12 3456s
Off front: 8 5678s & 8765s, 5 8756s, 3 6578s, 18 LB4
Rung at Warmley, 26 October 2017

1282 Bristol S Major

M 4 I B W H  23456
          2  34256
  x -   2    34625
1 x -   2 1  36452
1 S   S S   (42536)

Rounds snap two blows after final call
27 crus inc 17 56s & 9 65s, 7 8765s, 3 8756s, 30 LB4 inc 12 3456s
Off front: 9 8765s, 3 5678s, 1 8756s & 6578, 23 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Chewton Mendip, 7 March 2014

1312 Bristol S Major

M 3/5 4/I W H 23456
            2 34256
          1 2 32546
          2   24536
  SS      1 1 45362
1      x      23456

21 56s, 2 65s, 15 46s, 16 5432s
Off front: 14 8765s, 6 5678s, 2 6578s
Rung at Backwell, 30 March 2008

1312 Bristol S Major

M          W   H  (42536)
          BBS      43526
  S3,S5            26354
5 S4,SB,B     SBS  43265
  4,I     BS      (42536)

Snap start and finish. 5 = BSBBS or SBBSB.
24 56s, 16 65s, 24 8765s, 22 LB4
Off front: 9 5678s & 8765s, 6 8756s, 28 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Congresbury, 26 December 2012

1312 Bristol S Major

M          V  W  H  23456
   SB,S4  BSB   SBB 537264
  S3,4,S3        B  32465
B   4,I       S BSB 23456

16 56s, 8 65s, 16 8765s, 12 2468s inc Kings & Queens, 48 LB4 inc 24 5432s
Off front: 3 5678s, 5 8765s, 2 8756s & 6578s, 28 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Blagdon, 19 December 2014

Buckfastleigh S Major

1312 Buckfastleigh S Major

V H O 23456
    2 42356
  x   34625
2 3   23456

21 crus inc 11 56s, 16 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Weston super Mare, 25 February 2010

Calcium S Major

1344 Calcium S Major

3 4 7   23456
    S   24356
- - SS  2438765
- - BSB 2345678

18 crus inc 10 56s, 14 8765s, 2 2468s, 20 LB4; off front: 8 5678s & 8765s inc backrounds, 3 6578s, 1 8756, 20 LB4
Rung at Ware, 14 December 2013, conducted by Gabrielle L Cowcill

Cambridge S Major

1250 Cambridge S Major

B W 4 I H  23456
x          35264
    x      427365
      x 2  34256
  S     S  52436
  S       (32456)

Rounds at snap two blows after final call
24 crus inc 15 5678s & 1 6578s, 6 7568s & 5867s, 20 LB4; off front: 18 LB4
3M or 4IB can also be used instead of initial B4I
Rung at Backwell, 22 September 2013
All versions also true to Yorkshire and Lincolnshire (1250) and Rutland (1314)

1280 Cambridge S Major

B M W H 23456
3       64523
  -   - 35426
    - 3 23456

16 5678s, 1 6578s, 8 3456s, 4 5867s, 2345s & 6543s
Rung at Wraxall, 17 November 2007
Also true to Yorkshire and Superlative, and can be reversed (MHWBBBHHH) with similar but slightly different features

1280 Cambridge S Major

V W 4 H 23456
  -     52436
-   -   64352
  -     56342
-   - 3 23456

16 5678s, 8 4567s, 4 7654s, 3456s & 5432s
Rung at Backwell, 15 October 2023
Also true to Yorkshire

1312 Cambridge S Major

B M W H 23456
      - 42356
x     - 42563
x       26435
  - -   34562
x       46325
  - -   23564
x     - 23645
x     - 23564

22 crus inc 8 56 & 2 65s, 21 LB4
Off front: 12 5678s, 7 LB4
Rung at St Cuthbert's, Wells, 30 March 2017

1344 Cambridge S Major

V B M 4 H 23456
  x       35264
-   3 x   42635
  x     3 23456

14 5678s, 2 6578s, 14 8765s
Rung at St Stephen's, Bristol, 31 January 2005
Also true to Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Superlative

1376 Cambridge S Major

B M W 4 H 23456
  -     - 64352
    -     56342
x         64523
  -     - 35426
    - x   647253
      x   573624
      x   23456

6 5678s, 43 LB4
Rung at Yatton, 2 July 2022
Also true to Yorkshire

1250 Yorkshire S Major
see 1250 Turramurra S Major, 13 56s, 10 8765s (at backstroke)

Cassiobury S Major

1282 Cassiobury S Major

W H  23456
  -  42356
- 2  43526
2    32546
S   (42536)

Rounds at snap two blows after final call
7 5678s, 3 8765s, 14 LB4
Off front: 6 5678s, 10 8765s, 3 6578s, 8756s, 15 LB4
Rung at All Saints, Bristol, 21 May 2008

1344 Cassiobury S Major

1 6 7 (2347586)
    -  4237586
  S -  3427856
S   -  2346857

Repeat. Snap start and finish
6 5678s & 8765s, 20 LB4
Off front: 12 5678s & 8765s, 6 6578s & 8756s, 16 LB4
Rung at Blagdon, 15 December 2022

Cheddar S Major

1344 Cheddar S Major

B H  23456
S    23546
S S  23465
  -  42365
  S  42356
  2  23456

S = 1256. 48 crus inc 24 5678s & 16 65s, 14 LB4, 6 near misses
Off front: 15 LB4
Rung at Cheddar, 23 February 2012

Chertsey S Major

1344 Chertsey S Major

M B 4/I W H 23456
        2 1 43526
        1   24536
  -       2 32465
1    x  2 2 23456

33 crus inc 13 56s & 11 65s, 3 7568s, 2 8765s & 8756s, 20 LB4
Off front: 8 8765s, 2 5678s & 8756s, 27 LB4
Rung at West Bridgford, 8 June 2014, conducted by Peter J England

1344 Chertsey S Major

M I B 4/I 5 W H 23456
              2 34256
       x    2   34625
  - -           274536
1         2     45362
1      x        23456

24 crus inc 14 56s & 5 65s, 11 8765s, 5 8756s, 20 LB4
Off front: 7 8765s & 5678s, 5 8756s & 6578s, 28 LB4

Chew Magna D Major

1344 Chew Magna D Major

H  (23465)
3*  24365

Repeat. Snap start and finish, 3* = BSB
24 5678s & 6578s, 8 7468s, 14 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 14 LB4
Rung at Chew Magna, 30 April 2015

Chewton Mendip D Major

1312 Chewton Mendip D Major

V B W H  (23465)
      3*  24365
- x - 3*  23465

Snap start and finish, 3* = BSB. VBW may be omitted for 1344 or added in one extra course for 1280
24 5678s & 6578s, 8 7468s, 20 LB4
Off front: 10 5678s & 8765s, 16 LB4
Rung at Chewton Mendip, 27 May 2010

Cornwall S Major

1280 Cornwall S Major

O H 23456
2 x 34625
S x 43562
- x 43256
2   24356
S   23456

20 5678s & 6578s, 8 7468s, 20 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s, 8765s, 4 6578s, 8756s, 20 LB4
Rung at Blagdon, 16 December 2011

1280 Cornwall S Major

O H 23456
- x 23645
S x 32564
- x 32456
2   43256
S   42356
-   23456

56 crus inc 20 5678s & 6578s, 4 7468s, 16 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s, 8765s, 4 6578s, 8756s, 20 LB4
Rung at Chewton Mendip, 31 August 2017

1344 Cornwall S Major

4 O 6 H V 23456
  -   x   23645
    x   3 473526
-     x   34256
  2       23456

12 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s
Off front: 8 5678s, 8765s, 4 6578s, 8756s
Rung at Backwell, 20 January 2008

1344 Cornwall S Major

4 O 6 H V  23456
  -        34256
  S        32456
  -   x    32645
    x   SS 472536
-     x    24356
  S        23456

16 5678s & 6578s, 8 8765s, 8756s, 7468s, 14 468s, 8 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s, 8765s, 4 6578s, 8756s, 20 LB4
Rung at Mangotsfield, 22 July 2010

1344 Cornwall S Major

4 O 6 V W 23456
  -       34256
  S       32456
  -     2 735264
S     -   647253
    x     23456

12 5678s & 6578s, 4 8765s & 8756s, 6 7468s, 4 7568s, 10 LB4
Off front: 12 5678s & 8765s, 24 LB4
Rung at Mark, 17 January 2013

Deva S Major

1344 Deva S Major

B H  M W 23456
  BS     43256
- S      34562
-      1 24365
  4*     32465
     1   42563
- S      24635
- 4'     23456

4* = SBBS, 4' = BBSB
24 5678s, 20 6578s, 28 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 20 6578s, 31 LB4
Rung at Blagdon, 25 March 2010

Double Dublin S Major

1312 Double Dublin S Major

M B 4/I W H 23456
          2 34256
        1 2 32546
  -       2 43265
1         2 35264
     x      23456

86 crus inc 21 56s, 65s & 64s, 22 46s, 32 LB4 inc 20 5432s & 10 4321s
Off front: 10 8765s, 8 8756s, 22 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Bitton, 9 September 2010

Ealing S Major

1314 Ealing S Major

M W H  23456
  -    52436
- 3 -  64235
- -    32546
  S   (42536)

Rounds at snap two blows after final call
20 crus inc 6 56s & 7 65s, 7 8765s, 8 8756s, 14 LB4
Off front: 6 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 13 LB4

1314 Ealing S Major

M      W H  23456
  S3S5 2 -  36452
3 S4S2 -    32546
       S   (42536)

Rounds at snap two blows after final call
20 crus inc 10 56s & 6 65s, 11 8765s, 7 8756s, 14 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s & 8765s, 2 6578s & 8756s, 15 LB4

1344 Ealing S Major

M      W (42536)
  S3S5    36452
3 S4S2 3 (42536)

Snap start and finish
22 crus inc 12 56s & 6 65s, 12 8765s, 6 8756s, 20 LB4
Off front: 12 5678s & 8765s inc backrounds & 56784321, 20 LB4
Rung at St Michael with St Paul, Bath, 29 May 2014

Estune D Major

1312 (1280) Estune D Major

M 4 B W H 23456
        - 42356
-   x - - 34256
    x     45362
2 S S -   23645
    x   - 23456

40 crus inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 12 5867s, 6 7685s, 14 LB4
Off front: 3 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 19 LB4
For 1280 add MBW in first course
Rung as 1312 at Long Ashton, 25 November 2021
Also true to Lessness and Uxbridge S Major

Farleigh S Major

1280 Farleigh S Major

B W V M 4 H 23456
  - - - -   56342
-           64523
      -   - 35426
  -       3 23456

24 crus inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 23 LB4 inc 10 3456s
Off front: 6 8765s & 8756s, 12 LB4
True to all le d methods with falseness groups from BCDEIKN abcdf YZ
Rung at Knowle, Bristol, 29 September 2016

Fermium S Major

1344 Fermium S Major

V I       (42536)
  - S8,S6 (46352)
3   S4,S7 (23546)
  2        42536 

Snap start and finish. 6th place calls.
12 56s & 8765s, 20 LB4
Off front: 18 8765s & 5678s, 26 LB4
Rung at Olveston, 1 August 2019

Fifty S Major

1250 Fifty S Major

M W H  23456
    S  24356
    2  43256
S S    53264
S S    63245
- -   (42536)

Rounds at snap
22 crus inc 7 56s & 2 65s, 1 8765, 10 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s & 6578s, 10 LB4
Rung at Wraxall, 3 March 2013

Glasgow S Major

1280 Glasgow S Major

V O I H 23456
  3   x 42635
2   -   23564
  -   x 23456

26 crus, inc 9 5678s, 3 6578s, 2 8765s, 3 8756s
Off front: 6 8756s
Rung at Backwell, 18 May 2003

1312 Glasgow S Major

V O I H 23456
  2   x 34625
- - 2   24536
- -     42635
-   -   23456

26 crus inc 12 5678s & 6 6578s, 4 8765s, 8756s
Off front: 6 8756s
Rung at Clevedon, 13 September 2007

Huddersfield S Major

1280 Huddersfield S Major

5 B W 4 H 23456
  x     - 23564
  x     - 23645
    -     42635
  x     - 42356
  x       25463
-     x   34625
  x     2 23456

32 crus, inc 10 5678s & 8 6578s, 6 8765s, 7 8756s, 14 LB4
Off front: 6 8756s, 2 6578s, 1 5678 & 8765, 11 LB4
Rung at Clifton, Notts, 20 March 2014, conducted by Peter J England

Irchester S Major

1312 Irchester S Major

5 M W 4 H 23456
        2 34256
    -   - 25346
  - -   S 46352
S 2 S S - 23456

19 crus, inc 10 5678s, 4 8765s, 5 2468s, 2 7468s, 10 LB4
Off front: 6 8765 & 8756s, 2 5678s & 6578s, 13 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Yatton, 28 September 2017

JB D Major

1280 JB D Major

B W V H 23456
x     - 23645
x       35264
  -   - 24365
  - -   32654
x     - 32465

56 crus, inc 12 56s & 65s, Off front: 5 8765s, 8756s, 3 5678s, 6578s
Rung at Winford, 22 May 2008

1280 JB D Major

     CE     snap
B H (23465) 23456
  2  34265  34256
x S  43526  43562
x -  43652  43625
x 3  32456  32456
x -  32546  32564
x S  23654  23645
x -  23465  23456

Snap start and finish
48 crus, inc 20 56s & 65s, 16 LB4. Off front: 8 5678s, 8765s & 8756s, 16 LB4

1344 JB D Major

6H (BBSBBS, SBBSBB or BSBBSB) with snap start and finish gives 24 56s & 65s and 16 LB4
Off front 12 each 5678s, 8765s & 8756s, 16 LB4

Jovium S Major

1344 Jovium S Major

B V M 4 H 23456
        2 34256
x         45362
  - 3 x   23645
x       - 23456

22 crus, inc 16 56s & 1 65s, 16 8765s & 1 8756, 5 7685s & 5867s, 15 LB4
Off front: 12 5678s & 8765s, 4 6578s & 8756s, 14 LB4
Rung at Corston, 30 August 2012

Knightsbridge S Major

1344 Knightsbridge S Major

3 4 7 2435678
S S   2438765
S S - 3245678

Repeat twice, snap start and finish (to give more little-bell runs at back)
24 5678s & 8765s, 16 LB4
Off front: 12 5678s & 8765s, 12 LB4
Rung at Portishead, 27 July 2017

Lancashire S Major

1280 Lancashire S Major

W 5 4 M H 23456
        S 24356
        2 43256
  - x -   52346
S       2 23456

14 crus, inc 5 56s, 15 8765, 2 2468s, 16 LB4
Off front: 15 5678s, 5 8765s, 16 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Chewton Mendip, 17 February 2011

Lessness or Uxbridge S Major

1280 Lessness or Uxbridge S Major

M B W H 23456
- x   - 43526
    3 - 54326
-   -   23645
  x   - 23456

24 crus, inc 6 56s & 2 65s, 18 7586s, 6 7568s & 7685s, 20 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s & 8765s, 7 6578s & 8756s, 14 LB4 (backrounds in Uxbridge)

1280 Lessness or Uxbridge S Major

M B W H 23456
- x   - 43526
    3 - 54326
- x   2 23456

24 crus, inc 12 56s & 4 65s, 18 7586s, 6 7568s, 20 LB4
Off front: 9 5678s, 7 8765s, 5 6578s & 8756s, 14 LB4 (Lessness)
7 5678s, 9 8765s, 5 6578s & 8756s, 14 LB4, backrounds (Uxbridge)
Rung to Lessness at SS Philip & Jacob, Bristol, 19 December 2013

1280 Lessness or Uxbridge S Major

M B W H 23456
      - 42356
- x   - 32546
    - - 54326
- x   - 34256
 SB,S4  3428765
S S3  - 23456

32 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 6 8765
Off front: 9 8765s, 5 8756s, 7 5678s, 5 6578s (Uxbridge)
7 8765s, 5 8756s, 9 5678s, 5 6578s (Lessness)
Rung to Uxbridge at Yatton, 2 October 2008 and to Lessness at All Saints, Bristol, 18 October 2012
Also true to Rutland, 19 5678s & 7 8765s but with little music off front

1280 Lessness or Uxbridge S Major

M          H 23456
-    B       35426
 4,SB,S4,4 2 34256
   SB,S4     725364
S   S3     - 234567

24 crus inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 6 8765, 4 7468s, 28 LB4
Off front: 8 8765s, 2 8756s, 4 5678s, 2 6578s (Uxbridge)
4 8765s, 2 8756s, 8 5678s, 2 6578s (Lessness), 11 LB4
Rung to Lessness at Chewton Mendip, 29 October 2015
and to Uxbridge at Blagdon, 14 December 2018 with split tenor course called after one H (32 LB4)
Also true to Rutland S Major but with little music off front

1344 Lessness or Uxbridge S Major

3 4 7 2345678
S S   2348765
S S - 4235678

Repeat twice
24 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 18 8765s, 6 8756
Off front: 12 8765s & 5678s, 6 8756s & 6578s
Also true to Rutland, 18 5678s & 8765s but little music off front

1344 Lessness or Uxbridge S Major

            H 23456
   S3,S5      56342
S4,SB,S4,SB   64523
   S3,S5    2 34256
   SB,S4      725364
   SM,S3    - 23456

24 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 6 8765s, 22 LB4 inc 12 3456s
Off front: 8 5678s, 4 8765s, 2 8756s & 6578s (Lessness)
4 5678s, 8 8765s, 2 8756s & 6578s (Uxbridge)
Rung to Lessness at Yatton, 6 November 2014
Also true to Rutland, 18 5678s, 6 8765s, 12 3456s but little music off front

1344 Lessness or Uxbridge S Major

M 3 B 4 5 H 23456
    S S     745263
S   S       645237
  S     S - 42356
    S S     735462
S S       2 23456

24 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 12 8765s, 4 8756s, 20 LB4 inc 6 3456s
Off front: 10 5678s, 8 8765s, 4 8756s & 6578s, 13 LB4 (Lessness)
8 5678s, 10 8765s, 4 8756s & 6578s (Uxbridge)
Rung to Lessness at Chewton Mendip, 23 May 2024
Also true to Rutland, 18 5678s, 12 8765s, 6 3456s but little music off front

London S Major

1280 London S Major

M B W H 23456
- x - - 42356
-     - 63254
-   - - 45236
- x   - 25346
    - 2 23456

29 crus, inc 17 56s, 7 LB4
Off front: 4 8765s, 7 LB4
Rung at Backwell on 25 April 2004

1280 London S Major

M B W H 23456
      - 42356
    -   54326
-   -   23645
  x - - 25346
    - - 34256
- x - - 23456

31 crus, inc 16 56s, 11 LB4
Off front: 1 5678, 4 8765s, 11 LB4
Rung at Backwell on 18 May 2014

1312 (1280) London S Major

M 3 B 5 W H 23456
-   x     - 43526
- S   S     24365
-   x S -   243756
-   x S   - 34625
- S   S   - 42356
          - 34256
-   x   - - 23456

23 crus, inc 16 56s, 7 65s, 6 7568s, 6543s, backrounds
For 1280 add MBW in penultimate course (3 extra 56s but not all the work and loses 13245678 and backrounds)
Rung as 1312 at Knowle, Bristol on 23 July 2009

1312 (1280) London S Major

M 3 B 5 W H 23456
-   x     - 43526
- S   S   S 23465
-   x   - S 24365
-   x     - 34625
- S   S   - 42356
          - 34256
-   x   - - 23456

29 crus, inc 16 56s, 13 65s, 6 6543s, backrounds
For 1280 add MBW in penultimate course (3 extra 56s but not all the work and loses 13245678 and backrounds)
Rung as 1312 at SS Philip & Jacob, Bristol on 19 August 2010

1312 London S Major

M B W H 23456
- x - - 42356
-   S S 56234
-   -   32465
-   S S 65243
-   - 2 23456

28 crus, inc 15 56s & 6 65s, 12 LB4
Off front: 3 8765s, 2 8756s, 8 LB4
Note: cannot be shortened by adding MBW in final course
Rung at Congresbury on 30 January 2020

See 2012 Date Touch for 2012 London S Major

Long Ashton S Major

1280 Long Ashton S Major

M W B H  23456
-   x   (35426)
  -   2  34256
      S  34265
      -  23465
      S  23456

S = 1256
40 crus, inc 22 56s & 18 65, 18 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s & 6578s, 20 LB4
Rung at Long Ashton on 24 January 2019

Mark S Major

1280 Mark S Major see 1280 Bristol S Major
Rung at Mark, 27 November 2014

Medway S Major

1280 Medway S Major

M W B H  23456
      -  42356
  -      54326
- - x   (34256)
  -   -  25346
- -   -  64352
S     S  23456

23 crus, inc 8 56s & 1 65, 14 LB4
Off front: 16 5678s, 8 6578s, 14 LB4
Rung at Kingsdown, Bristol on 29 September 2011

Nempnett Thrubwell S Major

1280 Nempnett Thrubwell S Major see 1280 Bristol S Major
Rung at Chewton Mendip, 29 August 2019

Neon S Major

1344 Neon S Major

5 6 7 2345678
  -   3425678
- - - 4237856
  -   2347856

20 crus inc 15 56s, 15 8765s, 13 LB4
Off front: 9 5678s, 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 11 LB4, backrounds
Rung at Clifton, Notts, on 25 July 2014, conducted by Peter J England

Otterspool S Major

1280 Otterspool S Major

I H V O 23456
- x     23645
- x     23564
    -   24365
- x     24536
    - - 32465

Repeat. 6ths place calls
48 crus, inc 12 56s & 65s, 15 LB4
Off front: 7 8765s & 8756s, 9 LB4
Rung at Clifton, Notts, on 23 March 2012, conducted by Peter J England

Preston S Major

1344 Preston S Major

2 5 7 2345678
- -   2347856
- - - 4235678

Repeat twice
25 crus, inc 9 56s & 9 65s, 9 8765s, 9 8756s
Off front: 12 8765s, 5678s, 8756s, 6578s
Rung at Portishead, 1 November 2007

Pudsey S Major

1312 Pudsey S Major

5 B M W 4 H 23456
S S   S S   34256
S S   S S   42356
S S     -   23645
        S S 546273
  S S   S S 526374
  S S       42635
  -         23456

17 crus, inc 6 56s & 5 65s, 6 8765s, 7685s, 7586s & 6857s, 5 8756s, 4 5867s, 13 LB4, 88 combinations of 5678 in 5678, tittums (at backstroke)
Off front: 5 5678s & 8765s, 10 LB4, 132 combinations of 5678 in 1234
Note: does contain tenors reversed at the back
Rung at Yatton, 17 December 2009

Quantock S Major

1344 Quantock S Major

H 23456
S 42365

Repeat 5 times, S = 1456
32 crus, inc 12 56s & 65s, 13 LB4
Off front: 6 5678s & 6578s, 9 8765s & 8756s, 12 LB4
Rung at Mark, 25 August 2016
True to all methods with falseness groups from BDEFGHIKLMNOPRST bcdef XYZ

Reverse Dublin S Major

1250 Reverse Dublin S Major

M            W   H  23456
   S4,I,SB  SBS  1  62345
1   S3,S5           46253
BS  S4,SB   SBBS   (42536)

Round at snap two blows after final call
39 crus, inc 19 56s & 12 65s, 13 8765s, 4 8756s, 18 LB4
Off front: 11 8765s, 9 8756s, 5 5678s, 3 6578s, 28 LB4
Also true to Bristol S Major
Rung at St Ambrose, Whitehall, Bristol, 17 March 2011

Rutland S Major

1280 Rutland S Major

M 3 B 4 V W H 23456
    S S S     735264
- S         - 32465
-   x       - 42635
    x       3 23456

27 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 6 8765s, 8 468s, 12 LB4
Rung at Chew Magna, 4 November 2010

1280 Rutland S Major

M 3 B 4 V W H 23456
            2 34256
    x       - 34562
    x     - - 32465
    S - S     725364
S S         - 23456

27 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 6 8765s, 8 468s, 12 LB4
Rung at Blagdon, 16 December 2016 (a reversal of the previous composition)

1280 (1312) Rutland S Major

M  B  W H 23456
-     S S 56342
   x    S 65423
S     - - 42356
-  x  - - 34256
 SB,S4    725364
S S3    - 234567

21 crus, inc 18 56s, 6 8765s, 20 LB4
MBW can be omitted for 1312

1282 Rutland S Major

M B W H  23456
      2  34256
    - 2  32546
- x   -  52436
    S   (32456)

Rounds at snap
32 crus, inc 16 56s & 14 46s

1312 (1280) Rutland S Major

M B W H 23456
-   S S 56342
  x     64523
-     - 35426
    - 3 23456

21 crus, inc 18 56s, 26 LB4
MBW can be added in either of last 2 courses for 1280
Rung as 1312 at All Saints, Bristol, 26 January 2017

1344 Rutland S Major

M 3/5 B W H  23456
          -  42356
  SS    - S  32564
S     x - -  43265
-     x - -  24365
-     x S S  23645
- SS      2  23456

A palindrome
46 crus, inc 18 56s & 12 65s
Rung at Long Ashton, 20 August 2009

1376 Rutland S Major

3 B 4 5 W 234567
S       S 473526
  S   S   423567
S       S 372546
  S   S   342567
S       S 274536
  S S     645237
S     S   234567

20 crus inc 18 56s, 18 8765s, 6 3456s
Rung at Long Ashton, 7 November 2013

1280 Rutland S Major see 1280 Birthday S Major
18 5678s, 6 6578s & 8765s

1344 Rutland S Major see 1344 Lessness S Major
18 5678s & 8765s

1344 Rutland S Major see 1344 Lessness S Major
18 5678s, 6 8765s, 12 3456s

1344 Rutland S Major see 1344 Lessness S Major
18 5678s, 12 8765s, 6 3456s

Sedgemoor S Major

1344 Sedgemoor S Major

1 2 3 5 2345678
      2 3425678 (5,5)
S S -   3427856 (3)
      - 2347856 (5)
S S S   3245678 (3)

Repeat, 4ths place calls. Numbers in brackets show the course lengths.
24 56s & 65s, 16 8765s & 8756s, 6 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s, 4 8765s, 21 LB4
Rung at Mark, 27 September 2018

Superlative S Major

1250 Superlative S Major

B M W  23456
x      35264
  -    25463
  S SS 35462
  2 SS 25364

Rounds at snap. Omit either SS at W for 1250.
Omitting 1st SS gives more four bell runs, omitting the 2nd SS gives more five bell runs.
9 56s, 10 8765s, 8 5867s, tittums, backrounds. 7 (6) LB5, 17 (19) LB4
Off front: 8 5678s, 8765s, 5 (4) LB5, 16 (18) LB4
Rung at Backwell, 6 June 2004

Tavistock S Major

1280 Tavistock S Major

O H V I 23456
- x     23645
- x     23564
    -   43265
-   - - 26354
  x     32465

64 crus inc 12 56s & 65s, 17 LB4
Off front: 2 8765s & 8756s, 11 LB4
Rung at Yatton, 2 July 2015

Turramurra S Major

1250 Turramurra S Major

V M W 4 I H  23456
      x      647253
  -          745263
-       2 -  34256
    S     S  52436
    S       (32456)

Rounds at snap
13 56s, 10 8765s, 2 7568s, 14 LB4
Off front: 12 5678s, 8 8765s inc backrounds, 1 8756, 12 LB4
Rung at Blagdon, 15 December 2023
Also true to Cambridge S and Yorkshire S

Uxbridge S Major

See Lessness S Major

Watford S Major

1280 Watford S Major

M 3/5 W  H 23456
         S 24356
S SS  S  - 43256
      SS S 42356
         2 23456

28 crus, inc 13 56s
Rung at Backwell, 11 February 2007

Yatton D Major

1250 Yatton D Major

M 3/5 W H  23456
        2  34256
      - -  25346
- SS  -    64523
-     - -  32546
      S   (42536)

Rounds at snap
18 crus, inc 7 56s & 46s
Off front: 12 5678s, 6 6578s, 17 LB4
Rung at Yatton, 2 April 2009

York Little S Major

1296 York Little S Major

4 M V I B H  23456
        x   (35264)
  2 -        473526
  -       -  237546
      x      35264
x            427365
      x   3  23456

Bob at V may be called either one course earlier or one course later
29 crus, inc 24 56s, 11 8765s, 13 5867s, 12 468s, 8 7568s, 25 LB4
Off front: 6 8756s, 4 6578s, 2 8765s, 17 LB4
Rung at Blagdon, 26 September 2014

Yorkshire S Major

1250 Yorkshire S Major

V B M  W 4 H  23456
  x           35264
-   SS   x    42635
  x        2  34256
       S   S  52436
       S     (32456)

Rounds at snap
17 crus, inc 11 56s, 8 8765s
Off front: 4 8765s, 2 5678s, 6578s, 8756s
Rung at Backwell, 27 February 2005

1312 Yorkshire S Major

V M W 4 H 23456
        - 42356
  S S   - 35264
- 2   x - 62345
  S S   2 23456

28 crus inc 18 56s, 8 8765s, tittums
Off front: 4 8765s, 2 5678s
Rung at Backwell, 16 February 2003

1312 Yorkshire S Major

V B M W 4 3 H 23456
            - 42356
      -     - 35426
- S -   S     32546
          S   472536
    S S S   2 23456

25 crus inc 17 56s, 9 8765s, 10 7586s, 24 LB4
Off front: 7 8765s, 3 5678s, 18 LB4
Rung at Burnham on Sea, 27 February 2014

1250 Yorkshire S Major
see 1250 Turramurra S Major, 13 56s, 10 8765s (at backstroke), 4 5678s off front

1376 Yorkshire S Major
see 1376 Cambridge S Major, 44 LB4 at back, 22 LB4 off front

Ytterbium S Major

1250 Ytterbium S Major

B W 3 M 4 H  23456
          -  42356
      -      32654
x         -  32546
    S        472536
      2 S -  52436
  S         (32456)

Rounds at snap
22 crus inc 11 56s & 4 65s, 12 8765s, 4 8756s, 2 7468s & 7568s, 14 LB4
Off front: 10 5678s, 8 8765s, 6 6578s, 5 8756s, 14 LB4, backrounds

1312 Ytterbium S Major

W I 5 H  23456 
  x   -  235764
-   2    735462
  2   2  23456 

19 crus, inc 14 56s & 5 65s, 12 8765s (at backstroke), 4 8756s, 6 2468s inc Queens, 8 LB4
Off front: 12 5678s, 11 8765s, 7 6578s & 8756s, 8 LB4

1344 Ytterbium S Major

W I 5 M 4 H  23456 
          -  42356
        x   (637452)
    - -      725364
    2        735462
  x         (347265)
- x       -  23456 

22 crus, inc 16 56s & 6 65s, 16 8765s (at backstroke), 6 8756s, 2 7468s & 75687s, 14 LB4
Off front: 15 5678s & 8765s, 9 6578s & 8756s, 13 LB4, backrounds
This composition is bobs at 7 4235678, 6,7 3428657, 1,7 2348765 repeated
Rung at St Mary, Clifton, Notts, 7 September 2012, conducted by Peter J England

Zed S Major

1344 Zed S Major

1 6 7 (2347586)
S S 2  3426857
  S -  2347856
S   3  2347586

Snap start and finish two blows after 2347586
17 crus, inc 10 56s & 5 65s, 12 8765s, 5 8756s, 2 2468s, 18 LB4
Off front: 9 8765s & 5678s, 18 LB4
Rung at Gedling, 1 April 2011, conducted by Peter J England

Zummerzet D Major

1344 Zummerzet D Major

O 23456
S 24356
2 32456

Repeat. Bob = 16, Single = 1678
48 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 8 7468s, 14 LB4
Off front: 24 5678s, 14 LB4
Rung at Yatton, 20 June 2019

90th Birthday S Major

1312 90th Birthday S Major

B W  M H 23456
3        64523
     - - 35426
  -    - 42356
  SS   2 23456

34 crus, inc 18 56s & 6 65s, 20 LB4
Off front: 6 8765s & 8756s, 1 5678 & 6578, 12 LB4
Rung at Backwell, 27 August 2017

2 Spliced S Major

1376 Spliced Bristol & Lessness S Major

M 3 B 4 W  H 23456
           S 24356  B*
        BS S 43256  BBBBBL'B*BB*
    S S      725463 BBBB*L*LLLLL
S S     BS S 324567 L*L*BL'B*BB*
    S S      745362 BBL*L*BBLLL
S S     BS   234567 L*L*BBB'B*B

832 Bristol and 544 Lessness, 10 com, atw
34 crus, inc 24 56s, 12 8765s, 4 8756s
Off front: 18 8765s, 10 5678s, 4 6578s & 8756s
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 28 January 2016

1280, 1312, 1344 Spliced Bristol & London S Major
Elf, arr AJC

M   B 4/I H 23456
          2 34256 B'B'
- a -       45236 L'LL'LLL
2      2    24365 L'B'BLL'B'L'B'BBBB

This gives a 1280 with all the work except for one start, to make `all the work' add either S3,S4 and one singled lead of Bristol (1312), or I,O,4 and two bobbed leads of Bristol (1344), at a in the 2nd part.
36 crus, inc 14 56s & 14 65s, 22 LB4
Off front: 4 8765s, 8756s, 17 LB4
Rung as 1344 at Clevedon, 8 January 2009

1280 Spliced Cornwall & Lessness S Major

M 3 5 H 23456
- S S   52364 L'C*C*C
-     - 43265 L'CCLL'
      - 24365 CCCL'
      - 32465 CLCLL'
- S S   63254 C'C*C*LL
-     - 42356 L'CCLC' 
      - 34256 LCCLC'  
      - 23456 LLLLLLC'

640 each Cornwall and Lessness, 21 com, atw
60 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 8 LB4
Off front: 6 5678s, 4 6578s, 8765s & 8756s, 16 LB4

1280 Spliced Cornwall & Lessness S Major

B W H 23456
x   - 23564 CC'LLC'
x - - 43265 CC'LC'C'
    - 24365 LCCLC'
    - 32465 LCCLC'
x   - 32654 LLL'CL'
x - - 42356 CL'LC'L' 
    - 34256 CLCLL'  
    - 23456 CLLCL'

640 each Cornwall and Lessness, 27 com, atw
56 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 21 LB4
Off front: 7 5678s, 6 6578s & 8756s, 5 8765s 18 LB4
Rung at Portishead, 29 January 2015

1280 Spliced Cornwall & Lessness S Major

M 4 B 5 W H 23456
    x -     372546 CL'L'C
-           274536 L'LCCL
-           473526 C'LCLC
- x x     - 42356  L'CL'L'CC'
          - 34256  CLCLL'
        -  (53246) LCCL'
        -  (45236) CLCLC'
        - - 23456  CCLLC'L'

640 each Cornwall and Lessness, 27 com, atw
28 crus, inc 15 56s & 9 65s, 16 8765s, 8 8756s, 17 LB4
Off front: 10 8765s, 8 5678s, 4 6578s & 8756s, 18 LB4
Rung at Olveston, 24 June 2010

1376 Spliced Lessness & Yorkshire S Major

M 3 B 4 5 W H  23456
    S S -      4238765 LLL*L*YY'
        2      2348765 LYL'LYL'
S S         -  4235678 YY*L*LLL'
            -  34256   LYL'
          -   (53246)  YYYY'
S         S -  24365   YYLY*Y*L'
            2  43265   LYL'LYL'
          -    64235   LY'L
S         S -  23456   L*Y*L'

768 Lessness, 608 Yorkshire, 22 com, atw
51 crus, inc 24 56s & 23 65s, 14 8765s, 4 8756s, 8 LB4
Off front: 8 5678s, 8765s & 8756s, 2 6578s, 20 LB4
Rung at Blagdon, 24 September 2015

3 Spliced S Major

1280 3 Spliced S Major

M 4 B 5 W H  23456
    -       (35264)  UCB'
2     -     (473526) UUCB'B'BCC'
-            372546  BCB'UCCU
- x     2    42635   U'BCB'UUCB'B'B
    -     2  34256   CU'BUU'B'
          -  23456   UCBBUU'

C = Cornwall, U = Uxbridge
36 crus, inc 16 56s & 16 65s, 14 8765s, 14 8756s
Off front: 13 8765s, 9 5678s, 8 8756s, 8 6578s
Rung at Olveston, 13 November 2008

1280 3 Spliced S Major

M 4 B 5 W H  23456
    - 1      372546 GGG'BF'FF
  1 -     1  42356  BBBFF'FB'GGG'
1         1  63254  BF'FFBBBFF'
1       1 1  45236  FB'G'BF'
        1 1  23456  FFBBBFF'FB'

B = Bristol (480), F = Belfast (576), G = Glasgow (224); 17 com, all the work and a palindrome
26 crus, 4 8765s, 6 2468s
Off front: 6 6578s, 2 5678s, 3 8756s
Rung at Mark, 18 June 2009

1280 3 Spliced S Major

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  2345678
    S S   -      4235678 RYY*B*YY' (6)
    -     S - S  2345867 BBR'BYY*B'B* (8)
      -   S      2437856 BBRR'YY* (6)
    - -          4327856 RYR'B' (4)
    S - - S - S  3427685 BBR*Y'R'Y*B'B* (8)
    S S -     -  2345678 BBR*B*R'BRR' (8)

B = Bristol (544), R = Rutland (384), Y = Yorkshire (352); 24 com
29 crus inc 13 5678s & 12 6578s, 16 8765s, 13 7685s & 5867s, 12 8756s, 16 LB4
Off front: 48 combinations of 5678 in 1234 inc 4 5678s, 6578s & 8765s
Rung at Chewton Mendip, 19 June 2013

1344 3 Spliced S Major

  (2347586) Ealing
   4253678  Cassiobury
   7836254  Superlative
   6584723  Ealing
   8675342  Superlative
   5462837  Cassiobury
   3728465  Ealing
-  4237586 

Repeat 5 times calling S for B in parts 1 & 4
Snap start and finish
576 Ealing, 384 Cassiobury & Superlative, 36 com
12 5678s & 8765s, 6 6578s & 8756s
Off front: 24 5678s & 8765s, 6 6578s & 8756s
Rung at Wraxall, 28 April 2016

4 Spliced S Major

1280 4 Spliced S Major

B W H 23456
x   - 23564  RSCYR'SY'
x     36245  CY'SC
  - - 24365  RY'R'
    - 32465  SCSYR'
x   - 32654  RSCYR'SY'
x     25346  CS'YC
  - - 34256  RY'CCY'
    - 23456  SCSYR'

37 com, 352 Yorkshire, 320 Cambridge, Superlative, 288 Rutland
42 crus, inc 12 56s & 65s, 2 8765s, 8756s, Queens
Off front: 5 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s, backrounds
Rung at Blagdon, 18 December 2009

1280 4 Spliced S Major

B W H 23456
    - 42356  RSR'
x   - 42563  YC'SY'
x     26435  CY'YC
  - - 43265  SR'CSC'
    - 24365  RYR'

Repeat, calling YSS for R in second part (A) or YCS for R in first part (B)
(A): 35 com, 352 Yorkshire, 320 Cambridge, Superlative, 288 Rutland
(B): 36 com, 352 Yorkshire, Cambridge, 288 Superlative, Rutland
42 (44 in B) crus, inc 16 56s & 65s, 2 8765s, 8756s, Queens
Off front: 5 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s, backrounds
Rung at Blagdon, 21 December 2012 (A) and at Bristol Cathedral, 23 April 2013 (B)

1280 4 Spliced S Major

M W H 23456
  S   53426 YCCS*YYS
  S - 42356 SSSY*CCY'
S     62354 R*RC
  S - 34256 YYYS*R'
    - 23456 CCCCYSC'

352 Superlative & Yorkshire, 320 Cambridge, 256 Rutland, 20 com, all the work
29 crus, inc 18 56s, Queens
Off front: 2 8765s, backrounds
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 31 December 2015

1344 4 Spliced S Major

  2345678 R
  4263857 S
  3527486 C
  7856342 S
S 6842735 R
S 4768523 Y
- 7823456

Repeat six times
448 Superlative & Rutland, 224 Cambridge & Yorkshire, 41 com, all the work
34 LB4 at back inc 6 56s, Queens
Off front: 31 LB4 inc backrounds

1280 4 Spliced S Major

B M W H 23456
x     - 23564 CC'BBBB'
x       36245 CS'SC
  - -   42563 L'S'L
x   - 3 32465 CS'LL'L'B'B'

40 crus, inc 12 56s & 65s, 17 LB4
Off front: 9 5678s & 6578s, 1 8765s & 8756s
Rung at SS Philip & Jacob, Bristol, 26 June 2014

1280 4 Spliced S Major

V B M W 4 H  23456
  x          35264  BBL'CC
      -   -  26354  LS'L'
    2        46253  BB'B'BC
S   3   S   (32546) S*CS'B'B'CS*
      3   -  53246  LCS'B'B'L'
          -  25346  CSCCL'
      -   -  34256  LS'BB'
          -  23456  LSSCS'

39 crus, inc 19 56s & 3 65s, 21 8765s
Off front: 4 8765s, 2 8756s
Rung at Backwell, 27 March 2005

1280 4 Spliced S Major

B  M  W H  23456
x         (35264) BSSLC'
  (3)   -  23564  BSS('LSL'B')CL'
x          36245  CC'CS
      - 2  32465  LC'L'B'

Repeat, calls and methods in brackets in 2nd part only
29 crus, inc 9 56s & 8 65s, 3 8765s, Queens
Off front: 6 5678s, 6578s, 3 8765s, 8756s
Rung at Blagdon, 14 June 2007

1344 4 Spliced S Major
Arranged AJC after A J Pitman

B M W H 23456
  2 2 - 23564  L'B'LLLLL'B'L
      2 35264  LCL'B'
x       56342  CS'SS
x       64523  SC'BBB
x       42635  BBBB'CS
x     - 42356  SS'CC'
      - 34256  CSCSL'
      - 23456  LCCSC'

352 London & Cambridge, 320 Bristol & Superlative,
atw Bristol & Cambridge, 21 com
21 crus, inc 11 56s, 10 LB4
Off front: 3 8765s, 12 LB4
Rung at Yatton, 28 August 2022

1280 4 Spliced S Major

M W H 23456
-   - 64352 L'GB'
  - 3 56342 BG'L'F'F'

Repeat 4 times. G = Glasgow, F = Belfast

1344 4 Spliced S Major

  2345678 B
- 4235678 B
  3462857 F
- 6342857 G
  3265478 B
- 6325478 L
- 4263857

Repeat 6 times. G = Glasgow, F = Belfast, 34 com, all the work
21 crus, off front: 4 8765s, 6578s, 2 5678s
Rung at Winford, 7 May 2009

1280 4 Spliced S Major

M V B 4 W H  23456
    -       (35264) BFL'
3            35264  GG'F'F'G
  -          372546 G'FB
      - 2    23645  BBFFB'GG'F'L
3       -   (42635) L'B'B'G'
    -   2 -  43526  GG'FL'B'L'
          -  54326  LLG'
-   -     2  23456  L'BL'FFL'B'

G = Glasgow, F = Belfast
320 of each method
27 crus, 4 8765s, 8 8756s, 3 2468s
Off front: 5 8756s, 3 5678s, 8765s, 2 6578s

1280 4 Spliced S Major

M V 4 W H 23456
  - -   - 56423  FFFFFF'GB'G'
-       S 43625  L'BBBBBBB*
      S   23645  GB*L
      - - 64235  LLLLLL'L'
-       - 52436  L'GGGGGGG'
      2   23456  LG'GL'F

G = Glasgow, F = Belfast
384 Glasgow, London, 288 Bristol, 224 Belfast, 13 com, all the work
20 crus inc 7 5678s, 6 6578s, 3 8756s, 2 8765s, 70 combinations of 5678 in 5678
Off front: 3 8765s, 3 8756s, 1 5678s, 6578s, 44 combinations of 5678 in 1234
Rung at Winford, 28 January 2010

1312 4 Spliced S Major

B 4 5 W  H  M  2345678
         2     3425678 CRCRC'B'
-           -  2345867 SS'RSS'
    -       S- 3247856 SSC'BBC*B'
            S- 2347856 CRCRC*B'
  -   2        3427685 CBB'CRR'B'
-        S     3245678 BRRC'SS*
        --S    2345678 B'B'CS*

C = Cornwall. Calling positions refer to tenor and `course ends' are the rows resulting from the final call in that line.
384 Cornwall, 352 Bristol, 288 Rutland, Superlative, 29 com
40 crus inc 21 5678s & 13 6578s, 16 8765s, 10 8756s, 186 combinations of 5678 in 5678, 22 LB4
Off front: 10 5678s, 6 8765s, 6578s & 8756s, 126 combinations of 5678 in 1234
Rung at Barrow Gurney, 26 January 2012

1344 4-6 Spliced S Major

  12345678 P, N or Y
  15738264 C
- 17864523 R or B
  16758342 S  
- 17842635 Y
  12385764 R
- 17823456

Repeat 6 times
4 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s, 6543s, 4567s, 7654s, 5678s, 8765s
Rung (5m) at St Stephen's, Bristol, 27 June 2005

5 Spliced S Major

1250 5 Spliced S Major

V B M W 4 H  23456
          2  34256  RSSSC'B'
  x   -   -  36452  BLR'CLSS'L'
    -        46253  SCS'SR
    -        26354  SCS'BC
S            273546 S*BL
    2   S    32546  R'B'BRL*S
      2   -  52436  RS'B'L'
      S     (32456) CL*(C)

Rounds at snap in (C)
32 crus, inc 17 56s & 9 65s, 16 8765s, Queens
Off front: 5 5678s, 4 8765s, 6578s, 8756s
Rung at Henbury, 19 November 2009

1279 5 Spliced S Major

B 4/I W H  23456
        2  34256   USU'B'
      - -  25346   SU'SGGS'
        -  32546   LUG'
      2   (24536)  BG'GL'
x       2  32465   SUS'LLU'B'
        -  43265   GL'
x  2  -   (32546)  LUL'B'B'L'B'SG'
S         (325476) SUG*SG

Rounds at the handstroke treble lead. G = Glasgow, U = Uxbridge.
42 crus, inc 12 56s & 12 65s, 2 8756s, Queens
Off front: 2 8765s, 1 8756s, 2 5678s, 4 6578s
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 20 January 2007

1280 5 Spliced S Major

B W H 23456
    - 42356 PCYSR'
    - 34256 RYR'
  - - 25346 RS'R'
    - 32546 CPSRC' or RPSSC'
x   - 32465 YY'CP'

52(54) crus, inc 17 56s & 65s, 8(9) 46s & 45s, Queens
Off front: 7 8765s & 8756s, 3 5678s & 6578s

1280 5 Spliced S Major

5 4 M W B H  23456
      2      35426  LS'GL'L
      - x   (35264) CL'GC'
    2        45362  BSS'B'CL
    -        35264  L'G
-   2        473526 S'BCCGB'B'LC
  x   - x -  42356  SGB'BCS'GG'CS'
          2  23456  B'LLG'

G = Glasgow
21 crus, inc 10 56s & 1 65s, 12 8765s, 3 8756s, Queens
Off front: 5 8765s, 2 8756s, 6 5678s, 3 6578s

6 Spliced S Major

1280 6 Spliced S Major
Glenn A A Taylor

B V W M 4 H 23456
-           35264  CBB'CL
    - -   - 42356  LG'GD'TC'
    -     S 36254  BTDG'BT*
  S   S     472536 BLD*D*TL
      S -  (42635) L*CL'
    S       32645   CDG*DD
-         - 32456  CC'TG'
          S 34256  B*
          - 23456  DBBC'

256 Bristol, Cornwall & Deva, 192 London, 160 Glasgow & Turramurra
41 crus, inc 16 56s & 9 65s, 7 8765s, 3 8756s, 13 LB4
Off front: 10 5678s, 7 8765s, 8756s & 6578s, 21 LB4
Rung at Backwell, 23 November 2023

1312 6 Spliced S Major

M B 4/I W H 23456
-           43652 R'LS
  -       - 43526 CY'LYSLC'
  -       2 24365 YS'BRR'B'
  -         46253 RSCLY'BBR
-         2 63254 L'CR'B'
-         2 34256 CCY'SL'B'
  -  x    - 23456 SC'B'B'YYR'

45 crus, inc 16 56s & 12 65s, Queens
Off front: 6 8765s, 4 8756s, 4 5678s, 6 6578s
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 30 September 2007

1344 6 Spliced S Major

  12345678 B
S 12435678 L
S 13624857 C
- 16457382 Y  
  17842635 S
  12385764 R
- 17823456

Repeat 6 times
10 each 2345s, 3456s, 4567s, 5678s, 2 each 5432s, 6543s, 7654s, 8765s
Off front: 2 each 2345s, 3456s, 4567s, 5678s, 5432s, 6543s, 7654s, 8765s
Rung at Winford, 20 September 2012

8 Spliced S Major

1250 8 Spliced S Major

M  B  W  H  23456
         2  34256  RSNPC'B'
   -     -  34562  RPCLC'SY'
   -  -  -  32465  CY'LR'L'
   - 4/I 2  24365  YN'B'B'SPR'B'
      -    (62345) PSSY'
- S3/S4     32546  NPLC'R*B*N
      S    (42536) YL*(B)

38 crus, inc 15 56s & 12 65s, Queens
Off front: 3 8765s, 8756s, 7 5678s, 1 6578s
Rung at Backwell, 10 August 2008

1275 8 Spliced S Major

M B 4/I W H (32456) 
          -  43256   YCP'
-            23654   R'LS
  -     - -  24356   CN'BCSP'R'
     x  3    32645   LYN'B'NY'B'B'R
  -       -  32456   YS'CN'
  -  x  - -  45326   PC'B'B'YS'L'
          -  34526   PLR'
  S         (345276) YS*RL

Start at snap and finish at treble's handstroke snap
36 crus, inc 16 56s & 6 65s
Off front: 5 8765s, 6578s, 1 5678s, 8756s
Rung at Backwell, 13 April 2003

1280 8 Spliced S Major

M B W H  23456
  x     (35264) RSNRY'
2     -  34562  BPY'B'NL'
  x      46325  CS'PS
    - 2  43265  LC'BB'B'

34 crus, inc 14 56s & 14 65s, 3 8765, 8756s, Queens
Off front: 3 8765s, 8756s, 4 5678s, 6578s
Rung at Bristol Cathedral, 4 February 2007

1280 8 Spliced S Major

M B W H  23456
-        43652  BB'PL
  x   -  43526  CP'SC'
    2   (32546) RS'B'
  x   2  43265  YLN'YRNYR'B'

45 crus, inc 17 56s & 65s, 12 7586s & 7685s, 7 5867s & 6857s, 16 LB4
Off front: 5 5678s & 6578s, 4 8765s & 8756s
Rung at Mark, 24 June 2017

Brunel Caters

1296 Brunel Caters

4 5 9 123456789
- S   4312
- S   2143
- S   3421
- S S 123456879
- S   4312
- S - 214356798
S -   4312
S - S 123456978
S -   3421
S -   2143
S -   4312
S - - 123456789

20 56789s & 56978s, 10 56879s & 56798s
First 9S can be moved 1 course earlier and second 9S 1 course later if desired.
Round block so can be started from any course end (e.g. to get 56789s at end)

Grandsire Caters

1259 Grandsire Caters

1 2 3 4  23456789
-     -  42356978
- - -    34256
- -   S  23457968
-   S -  32456879
- - S    63254
S     S  43265
- - -    24365
- - -    32465
-   - -  23465978
- - -    42365
- - -    34265
-   - S  23465879
- - -    42365
- - -   (34265879)

Rounds at handstroke the lead after the final call
19 56789s, 6 56978s, 9 65978s, 3 57968s & 56879s
Rung at St James, Bristol, 26 April 2012

1295 Grandsire Caters

1 2 3 4 5  23456789
-     - S  32456978
- - -      43256
- - -      24356
- -   S    32457968
- - -      4325
  - - -    3524
S - S S    53792468
- - - S    3579
S - S      23547968
- -   -    32546978
- - S      63245
  - - -    34265
-   - S    23465879
- - -      42365
- - -     (34265879)

Rounds at handstroke the lead after the final call
11 56789s, 9 56978s, 4 65978s, 14 7968s inc 6 57968s, 6 2468s inc Queens
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 6 February 2012
Courses 4–6 may be called 1,3,4S 132456879, 1,2,3 143256879, 2S,3S,4 35247968 if desired

Plain Bob Caters

1296 Plain Bob Caters

4 8  23456789
S SS 23456879
-    23456798
S SS 23456978
- 4  23456789

4 = SBSB
16 56789s, 8 56978s & 56879s, 6 near misses
Ring at Backwell, 16 February 2025

Stedman Caters

1296 Brunel Caters

4 5 9 123456789
- S   4312
- S   2143
- S   3421
- S S 123456879
- S   4312
- S - 214356798
S -   4312
S - S 123456978
S -   3421
S -   2143
S -   4312
S - - 123456789

20 56789s & 56978s, 10 56879s & 56798s

Stedman Caters

1301 Stedman Caters

1 6  8 15 16 231456789
- -  S    -  342156978
  -  S    -  4132
  -  S    -  1243
  S  S -     2134
  -  S    -  1423
  -  S    -  4312
  -  S    -  3241
      a      314265879
  S    -     1234
  SS   2     1342     

a = 2,7,8,9s
21 56978s, 16 56789s, 48 68s, inc 12 468s and 6 2468s, 18 8765s
Rung at Wells Cathedral, 23 September 2001

Anglia S Royal

1362 Anglia S Royal

W H  23456
  2  34256
S S  52436
S   (32456)

15 56s, 10 LB4
Off front: 18 567890s, 12 LB4
Rung at Backwell, 27 February 2020

Bristol S Royal

1280 Bristol S Royal

H W  23456
  - (52436)
  S (32456)
S    34256
-    23456

19 crus, inc 10 56s, 17 LB4
Off front: 12 098765s, 15 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 28 April 2010
Can be called H,W,SW,SH to increase number of 4 bell runs, although this decreases the number of longer runs

London (No 3) S Royal

1360 London (No 3) S Royal

M I/V W H 23456
-  x  - - 42356
-  x    - 32546
      S S 45236
      - - 23456

22 crus, inc 15 56s, 36 LB4
Off front: 2 7890s, 1 098756s, 11 LB4
Rung at Wrington, 8 January 2014

4 Spliced S Royal

1320 4 Spliced S Royal

W H 23456
- - 45236 CYBBYC'L'
  - 24536 BL'
- - 53246 CL'BYBCY'
  - 25346 LYL'
- - 34256 YL'BCBCB'
  - 23456 BCYLCBY'

13 56s and 25 67890s
Rung at St Stephen's, Bristol, 25 April 2005

6 Spliced S Royal

1280 6 Spliced S Royal

W H 23456
  - 45236 BNNLCYLB'
2   25346 NYSYS'YBBSBC'L
- - 34256 LB'CSCN'
  - 23456 SCYNYL'

240 Y & B, 200 C, L, N (Lincolnshire) & S, 28 com
18 56s, 16 LB4; off front 5 098765s, 3 7890s, 19 LB4
Rung at Backwell, 15 February 2025

Grandsire Cinques

1276 Grandsire Cinques

1 2 3 4 5 234567890E
- S   - - 3245678E90
- - S - S 2345679E80
- - - - S 32456
- - S -   4325678E90
- - - -   24356
- S - -   324567809E
- -   - - 23456780E9
- S   - S 423567890E
- - - -   34256
- - - -   23456     

Rung at St Stephen's, Bristol, 30 April 2016

Stedman Cinques

1325 Stedman Cinques

1 9 10 18 2314567890E
1s,2,15s  23145678E90
  S    2  213456
 6,7s,9s  146352
  a       13426587E90
  S       124365
  - -  -  123465879E0
- S    2  1324658709E
  S    -  134265     

a = 2s,5,6s,13,14,15s,18
Rung at St Paul's Cathedral, London, 23 February 2008

Bristol S Maximus

1344 Bristol S Maximus

H W  23456
  - (52436)
  S (32456)
S    34256
-    23456

19 crus, inc 10 56s, 21 LB4
Off front: 10 TE098765s, 19 LB4
Rung at St Stephen's, Bristol, 16 May 2010
Can be called H,W,SW,SH to increase number of 4 bell runs, although this decreases the number of longer runs

Peals: Surprise: Major, Royal, Maximus | Delight: Major, Royal, Maximus | Spliced: Major, Royal, Maximus | Other: Major, Royal | Caters | Cinques

Quarter peals


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