PN: &-30-14-50-16-70-18-14-1250-36-90 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Ardessie Surprise Royal
A J Cox (arranged)
M W H 23456 - 42356 S S 52364 - 3 32465 - - 64523 - 3 54326 - - - 62345 - 2 25346 - 2 23456 |
Music: 66 crus inc 19 56s & 18 65s, 60 LB4, 56 67890s
Off front: 4 098765s, 6 098756s, 16 09876s, 28 7890s, 51 LB4
Rung at Backwell, 20 July 2019
Also true to Swindon and Yorkshire
PN: &-78-14-78-1230-34-50-16-70-16-70 le 10 1089674523 (k1)
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5040 Bordeaux Surprise Royal
I V O 23456 - 34256 S 32456 2 43256 S S 63245 S S 42365 - 23465 |
Music: 56 crus inc 24 56s & 65s; 24 568790s & 658790s, 28 79680s, 40 LB4
Off front: 12 567890s & 657890s, 36 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 18 June 1993
PN: &-30-14-1250-36-1470-58-16-70-18-90 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5000 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
2 M W 7 H 234567890 a 64235 S 3 34265 - S * 64523 - - - 354267089 - 3 23456 - S 243569078 - S 234569807 - 3 234567890 |
a = 1,2S,5S,6S,7S (8 leads)
Music: 39 crus inc 18 56s & 65s; 47 LB4 inc 28 5432s & 10 3456s; 16 567089s, 14 0987s inc 10 650987s
Omitting the 3 homes in the 567089s, and adding 3 bobs at * in 645237890 gives
39 crus inc 18 56s & 65s; 42 LB5, 73 LB4 inc 28 5432s & 30 3456s; 4 567089s, 14 0987s inc 10 650987s
5000 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 - - 64352 2 45362 - a S 3 34265 - S 64523 S 3 S 35426 - 3 23456 |
a = S5ths, S2nds, 6ths, S7ths, S4ths
Music: 53 crus inc 20 56s & 19 65s, 58 LB4, 43 67890s, 4 0987s inc 2 650987s, 2 4680s
Rung at Backwell, 29 May 2023
5000 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
2 M W 7 H 23456 - - 64352 2 45362 - a S 46235 - 3 34265 - S - 645237089 - - 645239807 - - - 35426 - 3 23456 |
a = S5ths, S2nds, S7ths, S4ths
Music: 45 crus inc 18 56s & 19 65s, 73 LB4, 29 67890s, 8 0987s inc 4 650987s, 2 4680s
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
2 M W 7 H 234567890 - - 64352 2 45362 - - 63254 - - S 54236 S S 3 34265 - S - 645237089 - - 645239807 - - - 354267890 - 3 234567890 |
Music: 49 crus inc 18 56s & 19 65s, 67 LB4 inc 30 3456s, 4 0987s
Off front: 17 LB4
Rung at St Helena, Lundy, 30 May 2015
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W 7 H 23456 - - 64352 - 56342 S - 3 42365 - S 62534 - - S 34526 S 64523 S S 35426 - 3 3 23456 |
Music: 44 crus inc 19 56s & 18 65s; 33 LB5; 76 LB4 inc 31 5432s, 21 3456s & 17 6543s;
6 567089s, 10 9780s
Off front: 2 67890s
Rung at St Stephen's, Bristol, 19 September 2009
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
4 5 7 9 23456 S S S 54362 - 3 34265 - S 64523 S 3 S 35426 - - SS 234567089 2 3 234567890 |
Music: 49 crus inc 20 56s & 18 65s,
12 567089s, 10 9780s, 58 LB4
Off front: 3 67890s, inc 6789012345
Rung at Backwell, 1 January 2019
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W 7 H 234567890 - S 54236 S S 3 34265 - S 3 64523 - - 35426 - - SS 234567089 2 3 234567890 |
Music: 41 crus inc 18 56s & 65s; 46 LB5 inc 21 23456s & 65432s; 77 LB4 inc 32 5432s & 30 3456s; 12 567089s, 20 9780s
Off front: 3 67890s, inc 6789012345
Rung at Thorverton, 8 July 2006
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W 7 H 23456 2 S 34526 SS S 35426 - 3 - 42356 S 52346 S S 3 42365 S 62345 S S 2 23456 |
Music: 55 crus inc 19 56s & 18 65s; 49 67890s, 30 LB5 inc 21 65432s; 54 LB4 inc 31 5432s & 11 3456s; 6 567089s, 10 9780s
Rung at East Meon, 13 October 2001
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 - 42356 S S SS 52364 S 3 42365 S S 62354 S - 54326 3 - SS 25346 - 2 23456 |
Music: 73 crus inc 19 56s & 19 65s, 13 46s & 64s; 43 67890s, 16 LB5, 33 LB4
Rung at Lydney, 17 November 1984
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
4 5 7 9 23456 3 - 42356 S S 52364 S S 62345 S 2 23465 |
Music: 64 crus inc 18 56s & 65s, 6 567089s, 657089s, 569780s & 659780s, 36 LB4
Off front: 20 LB4, 2 67890s
Rung at Crewe, 7 March 1981, conducted by Robert C Kippin
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 123456 S SS 351426 S S 643125 S S 231645 S 142635 S S 561234 S SS 135264 S S 652134 S S S 326145 S S 461325 S S S 214356 SS S 123456 |
S = 34 instead of 12 at lead end
Music: 45 crus inc 12 56s & 3 65s, 34 LB4
Off front: 30 LB4
Variable-hunt with all the work for 1 to 6. First variable-hunt peal of treble-dodging Royal
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 6 May 1977
PN: &-30-14-50-1236-1270-38-14-50-18-90 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Christchurch Surprise Royal
Arr A J Cox
M W H 23456 - 42356 - - 53624 - 2 3 32465 - - 64523 - - - 32546 3 2 25346 - 2 23456 |
Music: 64 crus inc 21 56s & 18 65s, 51 LB4, 58 67890s
Off front: 28 0987s, 28 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 1 April 1977
Also true to Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Swindon
PN: &-56-14-70-36.1470-1470.58-14-70-56-10 le 10 1426385079 (m)
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5000 Clifton Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 2 34256 1 2 32546 2 24536 I/V 2 32465 B 4* 423657089 V 4* 324659078 4/B 1 2 346257890 1 a 2 2 25463 3* 1 63254 1 b 23456 |
a = B,S4,B,4,S3, b = B,S4,SB,B, 4* = BBSB, 3* = SBS.
Note: homes in the split tenors section refer to the course end given, not the position of the tenor; other calls are the tenor positions.
Music: 60 crus inc 18 56s & 65s; 20 567089s & 650987s, 10 657089s & 560987s, 34 LB5, 92 LB4 inc 40 5432s & 32 3456s
Off front: 10 098756s, 8 098765s, 48 0987s, 10 7890s, 80 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 2 May 1997
5000 Clifton Surprise Royal
see composition of 5000 Totterdown Surprise Royal
Music: 90 crus inc 18 56s & 65s, 16 46s & 14 64s, 54 LB4
Off front: 12 098756s & 098765s, 80 0987s, 76 LB4
PN: &36-56.14.50-50.36-14-30.16-16.30.16-16.30 le 10 1426385079 (m)
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5040 Clyde Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 2 2 54326 1 2 53246 1 2 2 46325 1 1 23564 2 2 32465 |
Music: 76 crus inc 14 56s & 65s, 44 LB4
Off front: 40 0978s, 18 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 9 September 1977, conducted by Frederick Shallcross
5160 Clyde Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 2 2 54326 1 2 2 26435 1 2 24365 2 2 63425 1 1 2 45236 1 1 2 26354 1 2 23564 2 2 2 62345 1 2 25346 1 2 23456 |
Music: 85 crus inc 16 56s, 17 65s, 14 46s & 12 64s, 46 LB4
Off front: 48 0978s, 21 LB4
Rung at Lydney, 7 November 1981
Also true to Clifton S, Totterdown S, Worcester S and Nova D Royal
PN: &-50-14-1256-1236-14-50-14-1450-14-50 le 12 1426385079 (f)
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5040 Deppers Bridge Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H (42536) 42536 S 32546 2 S 25436 S S 35462 3 S S 64532 S S 34526 S S S 25463 3 S S 64523 S 2 (42536) |
Snap start and finish
Music: 44 crus inc 18 56s & 65s; 60 LB4 inc 24 5432s & 3456s
Off front: 56 0987s, 28 7890s, 64 LB4
Rung at Banbury, 21 February 2009
PN: &30-30.14-12-1230-14-1250-16-70-16-70 le 12 1352749608 (a)
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5002 Durdham Down Surprise Royal
A J Cox
W M H 23456 2 34256 - 2 32546 3 - 53246 2 2 - 36452 2 2 63254 S (43256) |
Music: 45 crus inc 18 56s; 48 LB4
Off front: 16 567890s, 5 098765s, 84 ..7890s, 23 LB4
Also true to King's Norton S Royal with the same music above the treble and
Off front: 8 567890s, 11 098765s, 42 ..7890s, 36 LB4
5040 Durdham Down Surprise Royal
F E Darby
W M H 23456 - 42356 - - 34625 2 - 64235 2 2 32465 |
Music: 56 crus inc 12 56s & 65s, 56 LB4
Off front: 10 567890s & 657890s, 2 098765s & 098756s, 84 ..7890s, 26 LB4
Also true to King's Norton S Royal with the same music above the treble and
Off front: 5 567890s & 657890s, 8 098765s & 098756s, 42 ..7890s, 42 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 20 January 1984
PN: &-30-1456-56-16-34-50-34-30-14-90 le 12 1907856342 (c1)
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5040 Earthquake Surprise Royal
A J Cox
1 2 7 8 9 23456 - - 64352 2 45362 - - 63254 - - 52436 S S 3 32465 - - - 645237089 - - 645239807 - - - 354267890 - 3 23456 |
Music: 56 crus inc 24 56s & 65s, 10 0987s, 46 67890s,
103 LB4
Off front: 30 7890s, 54 0987s & 52 0978s, 59 LB4
Rung at St Helena, Lundy, 13 October 2022
PN: &-56-14.56-50.36.14-70.58-16-70-16-90 le 10 1573920486 (h)
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5040 Eastville Surprise Royal
see composition of 5040 Henleaze S Royal by F E Darby
Music: 76 crus, inc 23 56s & 65s, 9 46s, 58 LB4
Off front: 12 567890s & 657890s, 8 467890s, 70 0987s, 40 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol on 7 December 1986
Also see other compositions of Henleaze Surprise Royal.
PN: &30-30.14-12-30.14-12.50.16-16.70.18-18.30 le 12 1648203957 (e)
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5040 Filwood Surprise Royal
A J Cox, arr from H J Tucker's
W M H 23456 - - - 64235 2 3 43265 - - - 52436 2 2 34256 - 3 53246 2 - 23456 |
Music: 57 crus inc 18 56s & 12 65s, 72 LB4
Off front: 29 LB4, 18 9876s
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 7 May 1989
PN: &-56-14-56-1230-34-50-16-70-16-70 le 10 1089674523 (k1)
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5040 Fougères Surprise Royal
A J Cox
I V O 23456 2 42356 - S 23546 S 43526 2 - 64235 - - 32465 |
Music: 80 crus inc 24 56s & 65s; 56 LB4
Off front: 84 ..7890s inc 12 567890s & 657890s, 56 0987 & 28 0978s, 38 LB4
Rung at Ashford, 12 April 1993
5040 Fougères Surprise Royal see 5040 Maoile Lunndaidh S Royal
PN: &-56-14-56-30.14-14.50-14-50-14-50 le 10 1648203957 (l)
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5000 Frenchay Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M 4 H B 5 W 23456 - 1 352947680 1 254937680 x - 423567890 1 32654 2 26354 A 1 (52364) 2 23564 1 52364 A 23645 1 62345 A 23456 |
4ths place calls
Music: 144 crus, 8 560987s & 650987s, 56 LB4, 72 0987..s
Off front: 51 7890s & 0987s, 6 8790s & 0978s, 44 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 14 February 1982
Also true to Cornish S, Fermanagh S, Nirvana S and Quakers Friars S
PN: &-30-14-50-1678-1278-38-14-70-18-70 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Frost Surprise Royal
see composition of 5040 Yorkshire S Royal
Music: 52 crus, inc 21 56s & 18 65s, 84 LB4, 63 67890s
Off front: 18 098765s, 16 098756s, 54 09876s, 60 LB4
Rung at Backwell on 27 December 2022
PN: &36-56.14.50-50.36-14-30.16-16.38 le 10 1352749608 (g)
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5184 Glasgow Little Surprise Royal
A J Cox
V O I 23456 - - 35264 3 2 23564 - 3 - 36245 2 - 34625 - - 3 43526 - - 2 23645 - - 34256 2 23456 |
Music: 75 crus inc 21 56s & 18 65s, 54 LB4
Off front: 35 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 12 February 1989
PN: &-30-14-70-18-12-30-14-30-78-90 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Hengrove Surprise Royal
R C Kippin (G&B 4870, 1979)
M W H 23456 - 2 24536 2 43526 2 2 3 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - 3 23456 |
Music: 42 crus inc 18 56s & 65s; 50 LB4
Off front: 56 7890s, 49 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 28 October 2005
PN: &-50-14.50-50.36.14-70.58-16-70-16-90 le 10 1573920486 (h)
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5040 Henleaze Surprise Royal
F E Darby
O V I 23456 2 2 54326 - 2 24536 - - 43265 - 32465 |
Repeat. Eighths place calls
Music: 66 crus, inc 20 56s & 65s, 12 46s, 55 LB4
Off front: 12 567890s & 657890s, 8 467890s, 70 0987s, 40 LB4 (Henleaze)
6 567890s & 657890s, 4 467890s, 112 0987s, 48 LB4 (Iddesleigh)
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, to Henleaze on 9 May 1980, to Eastville S Royal on 7 December 1986 and to Iddesleigh S Royal on 17 July 1987
5040 Henleaze Surprise Royal
A J Cox
O V I 23456 3 - 35426 2 2 24536 - - 43265 3 - 36245 2 - 64523 - - 42635 - - 23456 |
Eighths place calls
Music: 54 crus, inc 20 56s, 15 65s, 10 46s, 26 LB5, 83 LB4 inc 20 3456s & 33 5432s
Off front: 12 567890s, 8 657890s, 8 467890s, 15 LB5, 48 LB4
Rung at Wilton, 12 March 2006
5040 Henleaze Surprise Royal
A J Cox
O V I 23456 2 2 54326 - 2 24536 - - 43265 3 - 36245 2 - 64523 2 - 42356 - 23456 |
Eighths place calls
Music: 58 crus, inc 20 56s, 15 65s, 13 46s, 25 LB5, 71 LB4 inc 20 3456s & 33 5432s
Off front: 12 567890s, 8 657890s, 10 467890s, 15 LB5, 46 LB4
Rung at Bocking, 1 September 2002, conducted by George H Campling
5040 Henleaze Surprise Royal
A J Cox
O M V I H 23456 - SS 34256 2 SS S 32546 S - - 64523 - - S 24365 3 S 42635 S S 56342 S 3 S 23456 |
Eighths place bobs, S = 123450; M is 4th lead end and H last lead end of course.
Music: 52 crus, inc 23 56s, 13 65s, 7 46s, 29 LB5, 73 LB4 inc 20 3456s & 33 5432s
Off front: 16 567890s, 8 657890s, 8 467890s, 13 LB5, 44 LB4
5040 Henleaze Surprise Royal
see composition of Iddesleigh Surprise Royal below
10080 Henleaze Surprise Royal
see composition on long lengths page
PN: &-50-14.50-50.36.14-70.58.16-16.70.16-16.90 le 10 1573920486 (h)
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5040 Iddesleigh Surprise Royal
see compositions of Henleaze Surprise Royal above
5040 Iddesleigh or Henleaze Surprise Royal
A J Cox
O M I H 23456 3 S 32546 S S 65432 S 3 S 24365 |
Repeat. Eighths place bobs, S = 123450; M is 4th lead end and H last lead end of course.
Music: 59 crus, inc 21 56s, 21 65s, 26 LB5, 71 LB4 inc 22 3456s & 33 5432s
Off front: 6 567890s, 657890s, 12 098765s, 098756s, 21 LB5, 58 LB4 (for Iddesleigh)
12 567890s, 657890s, 3 098765s, 84 ..7890s, 098756s, 14 LB5, 45 LB4 (for Henleaze)
Rung at Pebworth, 16 April 2004
This composition when suitably transposed is true to any 10ths place regular treble dodging Royal method with no in-course falseness.
PN: &-30-14-70-18-12-58.16-16.70-78-90 le 12 1907856342 (c1)
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5040 Jacob's Wells Surprise Royal
Charles W Roberts
M W H 23456 2 34256 - 53246 - 2 36245 - 3 43265 - 64235 - 3 2 45236 - - 23456 |
Music: 60 crus, inc 18 56s & 65s, 36 LB4
Off front: 18 567890s, 16 657890s, 98 ..7890s, 31 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 5 August 1983
PN: &-30-14-50-1236-12-30-14-70-18-90 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Kenilworth Surprise Royal
A J Cox (arranged)
M W H 23456 - - 64352 - 56342 - - 3 43265 - 64235 - 2 - 54326 3 - 35426 - 3 23456 |
Music: 50 crus, inc 19 56s & 65s, 106 LB4, 45 67890s
Off front: 28 0987s, 28 LB4
Rung at Backwell, 21 April 2019
I also conducted the first peal in the method at Lydney, 5 March 1977
PN: &-56-14-1256-30-34-50-16-70-16-70 le 10 1089674523 (k1)
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5080 Kilmersdon Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M H W (23465) 4 43265 1 (64235) 1 S (34526) 4 (43526) 1 S (23654) S 26354 4 26453 1 1 (54362) S 24365 S 23465 |
4 = BBSB. Snap start and finish. Fourths place calls
Music: 24 56s & 65s
Off front: 18 567890s, 12 657890s, 9 098765s
Rung at Chilcompton, 9 June 2007
PN: &-30-14-50-16-70-18-16-70-58-90 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Lincolnshire Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 - - 45236 - - - 63254 S S 52364 - 3 32465 - - 64523 2 - 63425 - - - 52436 2 3 23456 |
Music: 55 crus inc 18 56s & 65s, 55 LB4
Off front: 28 7890s, 32 LB4 inc 2 456789s, 2 09345678s
Rung at St Clement Danes, Westminster, 8 August 2015
PN: &-50-14.50-50.36.14-14.50-14-18 le 10 1426385079 (m)
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5024 Littleport Little Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 2 34256 1 2 32546 2 2 45236 2 1 1 43652 a 2 54326 I/5 42563 2 2 24365 b 1 2 23645 2 34625 1 b 1 26543 1 1 45362 1 1 63254 1 23456 |
Fourths place calls
a = S3,4,B,4,S3,5; b = B,S4,B,S4,I,B
Music: 85 crus inc 21 56s & 23 65s, 83 67890s, 107 LB5, 193 LB4
Off front: 4 098765s, 098756s, 16 LB5, 52 LB4
Rung at Backwell, 1 January 2024
Also true to Lundy Alliance Royal
5216 (5088) Littleport Little Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 2 34256 1 2 32546 a* 2 2 45236 2 1 36452 2 1 2 23564 2 2 32465 b 53927486 c 1 2 23645 2 34625 1 a 1 26543 1 a* 1 45362 1 1 63254 1 23456 |
Fourths place calls, a = B,S4ths,S2nds,B; b = B,4ths,B,4ths,7ths,7ths; c = 6ths,6ths,In,B
Omit either a* for 5088
Music (omitting first a*): 93 crus inc 24 56s, 23 65s, 17 46s, 12 650987s, 66 LB5 inc 34 23456s & 32 65432s, 136 LB4 inc 66 5432s and 68 3456s
Off front: 56 LB4, 4 098765s, 098756s, 7890s
Rung as 5088 omitting first a* at St Stephen's Bristol, 21 September 2004
Also true to Lundy Alliance Royal
5024 Littleport Little Surprise Royal
see compositions of 5024 Lundy Alliance Royal
5088 Littleport Little Surprise Royal
see composition of 5088 Lundy Alliance Royal
PN: &-30-14-12.50.16-34.70.58-16-70-16-90 le 12 1352749608 (a)
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5080 Lundyite Surprise Royal
A J Cox
W B M H 23456 - 42356 - - 34625 3 2 54326 2 x - 45362 3 2 25463 - - 2 23456 |
x = 16, all other calls 14
Music: 44 crus, inc 19 56s & 3 65s, 21 LB5, 78 LB4 inc 22 3456s & 5432s
Off front: 6 567890s, 10 657890s, 86 ..7890s, 56 0987s, 28 0978s, 38 LB4
Rung at St Helena, Lundy, 6 June 2010
W M H 23456 - 42356 - - 34625 3 - - 56423 - - 45362 3 2 - 42563 - - 54326 2 2 23456 |
Music: 46 crus, inc 21 56s & 3 65s, 21 LB5, 78 LB4 inc 22 3456s & 5432s
Off front: 6 567890s, 12 657890s, 84 ..7890s, 56 0987s, 28 0978s, 38 LB4
Rung at Worsley, 23 March 2011, conducted by Peter C Randall
1 4 5 8 9 23456 - 42356 - 2 - 56423 - - 45362 2 - - 563420987 - - 563427890 - 2 - 42563 - - - 645230987 - - - 543267890 2 2 23456 |
Music: 37 crus, inc 21 56s & 1 65s, 31 LB5, 96 LB4 inc 44 3456s & 22 5432s, 46 67890s, 22 0987s
Off front: 6 567890s, 8 657890s, 68 ..7890s, 48 0987s, 24 0978s, 8 7890s, 42 LB4
PN: &-50-14.50-12.30-34-50-16-70-16-70 le 10 1089674523 (k1)
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5040 Maoile Lunndaidh Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M H B W 23456 2 34256 x 23645 1 (42635) x 64523 1 (26543) 1 56342 x 35264 1 (63254) 1 26354 x 32465 2 24365 x 32546 2 (24536) 1 52436 1 x 23456 |
x = 16, other calls 14
Music: 75 crus, inc 22 56s & 20 65s, 80 LB4 inc 44 5432s & 24 3456s
Off front: 14 567890s, 12 657890s, 4 098765s, 3 098756s, 94 ..7890s, 44 LB4
Rung at Kempston, 3 November 2001
Also true to Fougères (84 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s and similar other music)
PN: &-30-14-70-18-12-58-16-70-18-70 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Midsomer Norton Surprise Royal see 5040 Yorkshire S Royal
Music (omit SS M): 66 crus inc 18 56s & 65s, 36 LB4, 54 67890s
Off front: 21 098765s, 18 098756s, 63 09876s, 140 0987s, 52 LB4
Rung at Evercreech, 8 May 1976
PN: &30-56.14-56-30-34-50-16-70-16-70 le 12 1426385079 (f)
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5040 Nideggen Surprise Royal
C W Roberts
M W H 23456 2 34256 - 53246 - 2 36245 - 3 43265 - 64235 - 3 2 45236 - - 23456 |
Music: 80 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 60 LB4
Off front: 12 567890s, 8 657890s, 56 0987s, 28 0978s, 31 LB4
Rung at Thatcham, 23 August 1979
Also true with similar music (62 LB4 at back) to Oakland S Royal
13600 (10000) Nideggen Surprise Royal
see composition of 13600 (10000) Broadheath S Royal
Rung as 10000 (omitting all split tenors courses) at St Thomas, Oxford, 24 November 2001 conducted by John P Loveless
PN: &30-56.14-56-30-34-58-16-70-16-90 le 12 1426385079 (f)
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5040 Oakland Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 2 34256 - 2 32546 2 - 52436 - - 64235 - - - 53246 S S 3 43265 S 63245 S 2 - 23456 |
Music: 80 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 15 46s, 9 64s, 62 LB4
Off front: 12 567890s, 8 657890s, 56 0987s, 28 0978s, 32 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 8 March 1991
Also true with similar music (60 LB4 at back) to Nideggen S Royal
PN: &-30-14-56-16-12-50.14-14.50-14-50 le 12 1426385079 (f)
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5040 Old City Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 - 52436 - - 34625 - - 26543 2 - 3 43265 - 64235 - 2 2 35426 - 3 23456 |
Music: 56 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 92 LB4
Off front: 56 0987s, 47 LB4
Rung at St Stephen's Bristol, 22 May 2003
Also true to Jacob's Creek, Oxbridge, X-Church, Vermuyden (and other similar methods with no in-course tenors together falseness) giving the same music above the treble
PN: &-50-16-1270-38-14-50-16-70-18-90 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Pudsey Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 - - 45236 - - 2 26354 - 3 52364 - 3 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - 3 23456 |
Music: 41 crus inc 10 56s & 8 65s, 39 LB4
Off front: 28 0987s inc backrounds, 24 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 2 April 1982, conducted by Rebecca J Cox
5120 Pudsey Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W B H 23456 - - 54632 - - 36245 - - x (26435) - - x (46325) - - - 52364 - 3 32465 |
Repeat. x = 16, all other calls 14
Music: 44 crus inc 12 56s & 65s, 34 LB4
Off front: 32 0987s inc 6 098765s & 098756s and backrounds, 28 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 9 October 1977
PN: &-56-14-56-30-14-50-14-50-34-50 le 10 1648203957 (l)
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5000 Quakers Friars Surprise Royal see 5000 Frenchay S Royal
Music: 144 crus, 8 560987s & 650987s, 56 LB4, 72 0987..s
Off front: 64 7890s, 38 0987s, 34 8790s, 8 0978s, 44 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 22 January 1982
PN: &-50-14.50-50.38-3478-38.16-16.70-16-10 le 10 1426385079 (mx)
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5120 Redcliffe Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 1 42356 2 2 53246 1 2 34625 1 2 2 25463 2 1 23564 2 1 24365 |
Music: 101 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 38 LB4 inc 16 3456s
Off front: 12 098765s & 098756s, 77 LB4
Rung at Stourbridge, 11 October 1980, conducted by Robert C Kippin
PN: &-30-14-50-16-70-18-36-50-16-30 le 12 1426385079 (f)
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5002 Rutland Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 2 34256 - 53246 - 2 36245 - 3 43265 SS - 64235 - 3 - 52436 S (32456) |
Snap finish two blows after final call
Music: 73 crus, inc 18 56s, 19 65s & 15 46s, 30 LB4
Off front: 28 7890s, 31 LB4
Rung at Berkeley, 30 May 1981
5040 Rutland Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 2 34256 - 2 32546 3 - 53246 S S 3 43265 SS S 63245 S 2 - 23456 |
Music: 74 crus, inc 21 56s & 18 65s, 40 LB4
Off front: 28 7890s, 28 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 13 July 1979 (a composition previously rung to Yorkshire)
PN: &-30-14-50-16-70-18-14-50-36-90 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Swindon Surprise Royal
A J Cox
2 4 5 7 9 23456 - 42356 S S 52364 - 3 32465 - - - 645237089 - - 645239807 - - - - 32546 3 2 25346 - 2 23456 |
Music: 68 crus, inc 21 56s & 18 65s, 31 LB5s, 56 LB4 inc 30 5432s, 20 3456s
Off front: 24 7890s, 6 8790s, 30 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 21 February 1992
Also true to Lincolnshire and Yorkshire
5040 Swindon Surprise Royal
A J Cox
2 4 5 7 9 23456 - - 64352 2 2 53462 S S 24365 - 243657089 - - - 324659807 - - - 645237890 - - 35426 - 3 3 23456 |
Music: 34 crus, inc 18 56s & 11 65s, 52 LB5s inc 35 65432s, 120 LB4 inc 50 5432s, 22 6543s, 20 3456s, 4 560987s, 6 567089s, 6 659780s
Off front: 20 7890s, 8 8790s, 49 LB4
Rung at St Stephen's Bristol, 13 April 2009
Also true to Lincolnshire. NOT true to Yorkshire; but is true if 4S,9S is replaced by 4,9 (2 fewer LB4s at back, but 87 LB4s off front)
5040 Swindon Surprise Royal
A J Cox
2 4 5 7 9 23456 - - 64352 - 56342 - - - 24365 S 23465 - - S 243650987 - 32465 - - 324657890 - - 64523 - - 35426 - 3 3 23456 |
Music: 39 crus, inc 18 56s & 14 65s, 16 0987s inc 8 650987s, 6 567089s, 6 659780s, 53 LB5s inc 35 65432s, 106 LB4 inc 51 5432s, 20 3456s & 12 6543s
Off front: 20 7890s & 0978s, 4 8790s, 0987s & 9876s, 52 LB4
Rung at Thorverton, 20 March 2011
Also true to Lincolnshire. NOT true to Yorkshire.
PN: &-50-14.50-50.36.14-1470.58-14-30-34-10 le 10 1426385079 (mx)
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5000 Totterdown Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 2 1 43526 2 1 53246 1 2 34625 1 2 2 25463 2 2 52364 1 2 24365 1 1 36245 2 2 1 36452 2 1 32654 2 2 23456 |
Music: 100 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 20 46s, 13 64s; 25 LB5s, 63 LB4 inc 33 5432s & 22 3456s
Off front: 20 0987s, 51 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 6 March 1983
Also true to Clifton S, Clyde S, Worcester S and Nova D Royal
PN: &-50-14.50-50.36.14- le 10 1352749608 (g)
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5040 Trasna Park Surprise Royal
A J Cox
3 4 5 8 9 23456 - 3 34256 - 2 54326 - - - 645239078 - - 645237890 2 - 3 43526 2 - 42356 - 23456 |
Music: 44 crus, inc 21 56s, 18 46s & 3 65s, 106 5-bell runs at the back inc 77 67890s, 85 LB4
Off front: 43 7890s, 55 0987s, 57 LB4
Rung at St Helena, Lundy, 22 April 2017
Also true to Bristol S and rung at Bromyard, 1 May 2017, conducted by George H Campling
PN: &-30-14-70-18-34-18-16-70-12-90 le 12 1907856342 (c1)
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Rung at Midsomer Norton, 13 September 1987
5040 Ubley Surprise Royal
see 5040 Nideggen Surprise Royal
Music: 60 crus, inc 18 56s & 65s, 12 46s, 36 LB4
Off front: 21 567890s, 19 657890s, 28 0987s & 0978s, 30 LB4
5040 Ubley Surprise Royal
see 5040 Oakland Surprise Royal
Music: 60 crus, inc 18 56s, 65s & 46s, 38 LB4
Off front: 21 567890s, 19 657890s, 28 0987s & 0978s, 30 LB4
5040 Ubley Surprise Royal
see 5040 Grand Union Delight Royal
Music: 54 crus, inc 18 56s & 65s, 12 46s, 38 LB4
Off front: 21 567890s, 19 657890s, 28 0987s & 0978s, 28 LB4
PN: &-50-16-70-38-12-38-16-70-78-90 le 12 1907856342 (c1)
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5040 Unicorn Surprise Royal
see 5040 Jacob's Wells Surprise Royal
Music: 39 crus, inc 10 56s & 8 65s, 36 LB4
Off front: 21 567890s, 19 657890s, 112 ..7890s, 23 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 19 February 1995
PN: &-30-14-56-36-14-50-14-50-14-50 le 12 1426385079 (f)
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5000 Vermuyden Surprise Royal
A J Cox (arranged)
M W H 23456 - 42356 - - 63254 - 56234 - - 3 32465 - 2 34625 2 - 3 25346 - 2 23456 |
Music: 80 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 18 46s, 76 LB4
Off front: 56 8790s, 28 0978s, 29 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 13 May 1979
PN: &30-30.14-12-30-14-30-36-50-14-90 le 12 1426385079 (f)
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5040 Vintry Surprise Royal
see 5040 London (No 3) Surprise Royal
Music: 58 crus, inc 22 56s & 12 65s, 104 LB4, 62 67890s
Off front: 28 7890s, 27 LB4
Rung at St Helena, Lundy, 25 July 2019
PN: &-36-1456-50-38-1470-38-16-5670-58-90 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Willsbridge Surprise Royal
M W H 23456 4 42356 S 52346 S S 2 23465 |
Repeat. 4 = SBBS
Music: 72 crus, inc 24 56s & 65s, 42 LB4
Off front: 24 098765s & 098756s, 42 LB4
Rung at Christ Church Bristol, 31 October 1993
PN: &-30-14-50-16-12-38-14-70-18-70 le 12 1573920486 (b)
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5040 Woodspring Surprise Royal
A J Cox
4 5 7 9 23456 2 34256 - 3 53246 S S - 24365 3 2 43265 S SS 63245 S 2 - 23456 |
Music: 72 crus inc 19 56s & 18 65s, 49 67890s, 6 657089s & 569780s, 83 LB4
Off front: 18 098765s & 098756s, 42 09876s, 57 LB4
Rung at Christ Church Bristol, 8 December 1978
I also called the first peal in this method at Banwell on 28 February 1976, to a two part tenors-together composition by J A Trollope
5040 Woodspring Surprise Royal
A J Cox
2 4 5 7 9 23456 - - 64352 - 56342 - - - - 2 324650987 - - 3 324657890 - - 64523 - - 35426 - 3* 2 34256 3* - 23456 |
Omit either 3* for 5040
Music (omit 3 at 7): 46 crus inc 18 56s & 16 65s, 20 0987s, 43 67890s, 115 LB4
Off front: 16 098765s & 098756s, 10 7890s, 30 09876s, 67 LB4
(omit 3 at W): 40 crus inc 18 56s & 16 65s, 20 0987s, 26 67890s, 6 567089s & 659780s, 129 LB4
Off front: 16 098765s & 098756s, 10 7890s, 24 09876s, 79 LB4
Rung at Backwell (omitting 3 at 7), 26 August 2019
PN: &-30-14-56-36-14-1250-14-50-14-50 le 12 1426385079 (f)
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5000 X-church Surprise Royal
Alan M Barber (reversed)
M I/V W H 23456 2 34256 - 3 53246 - - 24536 x 3 43265 - 3 23564 - - 65432 - - - 23456 |
Music: 96 crus, inc 24 56s, 65s, 46s & 64s, 76 LB4
Off front: 26 0987s, 7890s & 8790s, 46 LB4
Rung at Christ Church Bristol, 14 August 1987
PN: &-78-14-1278-30-34-58-16-70-16-90 le 10 1089674523 (k1)
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5040 Zed Alley Surprise Royal
I V O 23456 2 42356 S 43256 S S 63245 S 2 24365 S 23465 |
Music: 56 crus inc 24 56s & 65s, 24 568790s & 658790s, 28 9680s, 40 LB4
Off front: 12 567890s & 657890s, 36 LB4
Rung at Christ Church, Bristol, 15 March 1996
PN: &-30-14-1256-16-34-50-14-50-14-50 le 12 1426385079 (f)
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5040 Zummerzet Surprise Royal
A J Cox
M W H 23456 - 42356 S S SS 52364 S 2 23465 3 - 42365 S S SS 62354 S 3 2 23456 |
Music: 88 crus inc 24 56s & 65s, 28 LB4
Off front: 56 0987s, 28 7890s & 0978s, 28 LB4
Rung at Banwell, 14 May 1983
Also true to Cambridge S Royal
Peals: Surprise: Major, Royal, Maximus | Delight: Major, Royal, Maximus | Spliced: Major, Royal, Maximus | Other: Major, Royal | Caters | Cinques